Subchapter 6 - HEARINGS
- Section 19:11-6.1 - Who shall conduct; to be public unless otherwise ordered
- Section 19:11-6.2 - Notice of hearing
- Section 19:11-6.3 - Duties and powers of hearing officer
- Section 19:11-6.4 - Unavailability of hearing officer
- Section 19:11-6.5 - Rights of parties
- Section 19:11-6.6 - Rules of evidence
- Section 19:11-6.7 - Stipulations of facts
- Section 19:11-6.8 - Objection to conduct of hearing
- Section 19:11-6.9 - Motions
- Section 19:11-6.10 - Review of rulings
- Section 19:11-6.11 - Waiver of objections
- Section 19:11-6.12 - Filing of brief and oral argument at hearing
- Section 19:11-6.13 - Continuance or adjournment
- Section 19:11-6.14 - Misconduct