Subchapter 1 - EVERGREEN
- Section 19:31X-1.1 - Applicability and scope
- Section 19:31X-1.2 - Definitions
- Section 19:31X-1.3 - New Jersey Innovation Evergreen Fund (Fund)
- Section 19:31X-1.4 - Sale of tax credits
- Section 19:31X-1.5 - Tax credit purchaser contract
- Section 19:31X-1.6 - Tax credit transfer certificate
- Section 19:31X-1.7 - Qualified venture firm application, certification, and agreement
- Section 19:31X-1.8 - Qualified businesses and qualified investments
- Section 19:31X-1.9 - Qualified venture firm annual report
- Section 19:31X-1.10 - Recapture, decertification, and redemption
- Section 19:31X-1.11 - Affirmative action and prevailing wage
- Section 19:31X-1.12 - Program fees
- Section 19:31X-1.13 - New Jersey Innovation Evergreen Advisory Board
- Section 19:31X-1.14 - Appeal process
- Section 19:31X-1.15 - Reports on implementation of the program
- Section 19:31X-1.16 - Severability