Subchapter 2 - COMPROMISES
- Section 18:33-2.1 - General provisions
- Section 18:33-2.2 - Scope of compromise agreement
- Section 18:33-2.3 - Effect of compromise agreement
- Section 18:33-2.4 - Procedure with respect to offers in compromise
- Section 18:33-2.5 - Stay of collection
- Section 18:33-2.6 - Acceptance
- Section 18:33-2.7 - Withdrawal or rejection
- Section 18:33-2.8 - Opinion of the Attorney General
- Section 18:33-2.9 - Requirement with respect to statutes of limitations
- Section 18:33-2.10 - Allocation of tax, penalty, and interest
- Section 18:33-2.11 - Appellate hearings board