Subchapter 37 - MEDICAL
- Section 18:24-37.1 - Scope of subchapter
- Section 18:24-37.2 - Definitions
- Section 18:24-37.3 - Drugs and over-the-counter-drugs
- Section 18:24-37.4 - Grooming and hygiene products
- Section 18:24-37.5 - Durable medical equipment
- Section 18:24-37.6 - Mobility enhancing equipment
- Section 18:24-37.7 - Prosthetic devices
- Section 18:24-37.8 - Other statutory exemptions
- Section 18:24-37.9 - Purchases by medical service providers
- Section 18:24-37.10 - Purchases or reimbursement of property by Medicaid or Medicare