Subchapter 1 - CERTIFICATION
- Section 17:46-1.1 - Application and scope
- Section 17:46-1.2 - Definitions
- Section 17:46-1.3 - Standards of certification for minority businesses and women's businesses
- Section 17:46-1.4 - Certification procedures for minority businesses and women's businesses
- Section 17:46-1.5 - Acceptance as a certified minority business or women's business
- Section 17:46-1.6 - Time for application to be certified as a minority and/or women's business
- Section 17:46-1.7 - Right of withdrawal
- Section 17:46-1.8 - Denial of initial certification and revocation of certification for reasons other than a challenge
- Section 17:46-1.9 - Procedure for challenges to a business certified as a minority and/or women's business
- Section 17:46-1.10 - Obligations to provide information; penalties for failure to provide complete and accurate information; information and hearing procedures
- Section 17:46-1.11 - Certification reciprocity
- Section 17:46-1.12 - Information confidentiality