N.J. Admin. Code § 17:24-1.2
The following words and terms, as used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Abandoned call" means a call placed to 9-1-1 in which the caller disconnects before the call can be answered by the PSAP.
"Automatic Location Identification (ALI)" means the automatic display of the calling party's telephone number, address and supplementary information at the PSAP.
"Automatic Number Identification (ANI)" means the automatic display of the calling party's telephone number.
"Average busiest hour" means the one-hour period during each week in which the most emergency telephone calls are received.
"Blind transfer" means failing to advise the calling party that the call is being transferred and failing to remain on the line until there is confirmation that the appropriate transfer has been made.
"Call relay" means pertinent information is received by the PSAP operator and relayed to the proper dispatch center.
"Call referral" means callers are referred to secondary numbers for response to their needs.
"Call transfer" means the PSAP operator determines the proper responding agency and connects the caller to that agency which then performs the necessary dispatching.
"Calling party hold" means a feature that prevents the calling party from disconnecting the call even if the caller hangs up the telephone.
"Commission" means the New Jersey State Public Safety Communications Commission established pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:17C-2 which shall oversee the Office of Emergency Telecommunications Services in the planning, design, and implementation of the Statewide emergency enhanced 9-1-1 telephone system.
"Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)" means a computer system designed to assist PSAP/PSDP operators and dispatchers to increase the efficiency and accuracy of dispatching public safety services.
"Dedicated trunks" means telephone lines used exclusively for transmission of 9-1-1 calls. Other trunks are shared by multiple telephone numbers.
"Dial tone first" means the allowance of a 9-1-1 or "0" Operator calls to be completed without the deposit of a coin or credit card.
"Direct dispatch" means 9-1-1 call answering and public safety dispatching is done by the personnel at the PSAP.
"Emergency Service Zone" (ESZ) means the geographical area having a unique combination of police, fire, and EMS services.
"Enhanced 9-1-1" means an emergency telephone system that provides sophisticated features via computers and electronic switches so that calls can be selectively routed to one of multiple PSAPs and, when answered, provides an ANI and/or ALI display at the PSAP.
"Forced disconnect" means the capability of a PSAP to disconnect a 9-1-1 call to avoid caller jamming of the incoming phone lines.
"Instant playback recorder" means a device that records voice or voice/ALI data and is capable of instantly replaying the same.
"Logging recorder" means a device that electronically records all voice communications and transactions on the 9-1-1 network at PSAPs and PSDPs. A logging recorder provides date/time information, is operative on a continuous or controlled basis, and is primarily for archival purposes.
"Master Street Address Guide (MSAG)" means the computer file containing address ranges and communities that define the emergency service zones.
"OETS" means the Office of Emergency Telecommunications Services in the New Jersey Office of Information Technology.
"P.01 grade of service" means a grade of emergency telephone service where no more than one call in 100 attempts will be blocked during the average busiest hour.
"Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)" means the first point of reception of a 9-1-1 call.
"Public Safety Dispatch Points (PSDP)" means a location which provides dispatch services for one or more public safety agencies.
"Public safety agency" means a functional division of a public agency which provides firefighting, police, EMS, or other emergency service.
"Ringback" means a feature that permits the PSAP to ring the hung up telephone on a held circuit.
"Ringdown time" means the length of time that a phone rings before it is answered. This factor affects both the number of telephone lines and the number of 9-1-1 call-takers that are required at the PSAP.
"Selective routing" means a feature that routes a 9-1-1 call from a central office to the designated PSAP based upon the identified number of the calling party, or in the case of a cellular call, a unique 10-digit identification number for each cell site, or if so configured, each sector at the cell site.
"Telephone company" means the organization that provides switched local telephone exchange access service or equivalent.
"TTY" means a telecommunication device for the deaf, speech or hearing impaired.
"Wireless telephone company" means any person providing commercial mobile radio service as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 332(d).
N.J. Admin. Code § 17:24-1.2
See: 24 N.J.R. 4493(a), 25 N.J.R. 1987(c).
Added new definitions, "Conventional PSAP" and "Integrated PSAP".
Amended by R.2000 d.350, effective 8/21/2000.
See: 32 N.J.R. 1912(a), 32 N.J.R. 3174(b).
Inserted "Abandoned call", "Blind transfer", "Commission", "Telephone company", "ITY" and "Wireless telephone company"; in "OETS", substituted a reference to the New Jersey Office of Information Technology for a reference to the Department of Law and Public Safety; and deleted "TDD".
Amended by R.2011 d.114, effective 4/18/2011.
See: 42 N.J.R. 2598(a), 43 N.J.R. 1043(a).
In definition "Commission", substituted "Public Safety Communication" for the first occurrence of "9-1-1"; deleted definitions "Conventional PSAP" and "Integrated PSAP"; and in definition "Selective routing", substituted "10-digit" for "seven-digit".