N.J. Admin. Code § 16:53E-4.1
Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 16:53E-4.1 - Requirements(a) A transit agency shall not operate a fixed guideway system unless the Department has provided written approval of, and the transit agency has implemented, its SSPP for that system. If a transit agency is found to be in violation of any Federal or State requirement, the Department can withdraw its approval of a transit system's current SSPP after giving a 30-day advance notice by certified letter sent to the chief executive officer of the transit agency.(b) Every transit agency shall develop and implement a written SSPP that complies with the requirements of this chapter for each fixed guideway system it operates. The SSPP shall be reviewed, in part or whole, by the transit agency on an annual basis. Updated or revised SSPP's shall be submitted to the Department for review and written approval each time a major modification, extension or update is made to the system or as directed by the Department.(c) A transit agency shall not publicly disclose the security aspects of its approved system safety program plan.(d) An SSPP shall include the following:1. A policy statement that acknowledges the Department's oversight responsibility regarding the transit agency's internal safety and security review process;2. A statement establishing the procedures for notification to the Department prior to the commencement of the transit agency's internal review;3. A policy statement signed by the transit agency's chief executive that endorses the system safety program and describes the authority that establishes the SSPP;4. A clear definition of the goals and objectives for the system safety program and stated management responsibilities to ensure the goals and objectives are achieved;5. An overview of the management structure of the transit agency;6. The process used to control changes to the SSPP;7. A description of the specific activities required to implement the system safety program;8. A description of the hazard management program and the process used to implement the hazard management program;9. A description of the process used to ensure that safety concerns are addressed in modifications to existing systems, vehicles and equipment, which do not require formal safety certification but which may have safety impacts;10. A description of the safety certification process required to ensure that safety concerns and hazards are addressed prior to passenger operations for the New Starts Project and subsequent major projects to extend, rehabilitate or modify an existing system or to replace vehicles and equipment;11. A description of the process used to collect, maintain, analyze and distribute safety data, to ensure that the transit agency receives the necessary information to support implementation of the system safety program;12. A description of the process used to perform incident notification, investigation and reporting;13. A description of the emergency management program, including the process used to develop an approved, coordinated schedule for all emergency management program activities;14. A description of the process used to ensure that planned and scheduled internal safety reviews are performed to evaluate compliance with the SSPP;15. A description of the process used to develop, maintain and ensure compliance with rules and procedures having a safety impact;16. A description of the process used for facilities and equipment safety inspections;17. A description of the maintenance audits and inspections program, including identification of the affected facilities and equipment, maintenance cycles, documentation required and the process for integrating identified problems into the hazard management process;18. A description of the training and certification program for employees and contractors;19. A description of the configuration management control process;20. A description of the safety program for employees and contractors that incorporates the applicable local, State and Federal requirements;21. A description of the hazardous materials program, including the process used to ensure knowledge of and compliance with program requirements;22. A description of the drug and alcohol program and the process used to ensure knowledge of and compliance with program requirements; and23. A description of the measures, controls and assurances in place to ensure that safety principles, requirements and representatives are included in the transit agency's procurement process.(e) The SSPP shall be recommended by both the System Safety Manager and the manager of the rail system and approved by the chief executive officer of the rail transit agency. If the rail system is operated and maintained by a contractor, the signatures of the contractor's system safety manager and manager are also required. N.J. Admin. Code § 16:53E-4.1