Subchapter 3 - USE OF FORCE
- Section 13:95-3.1 - Custody staff member authority
- Section 13:95-3.2 - Use of force
- Section 13:95-3.3 - Non-deadly force; when justified
- Section 13:95-3.4 - Deadly force; when deadly force is justified and when restricted; restrictions on issuance and use of firearms
- Section 13:95-3.5 - Use of force against persons other than juveniles; duties outside the secure facility security perimeter
- Section 13:95-3.6 - Use of force while off-duty
- Section 13:95-3.7 - Reports
- Section 13:95-3.8 - Use of mechanical restraints
- Section 13:95-3.9 - Use of chemical or natural agents; storage
- Section 13:95-3.10 - Training
- Section 13:95-3.11 - Penalties for violation
- Section 13:95-3.12 - Secure facility internal management procedures