Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 13:82-6.3 - Operation and equipment(a) Vessels and equipment engaged in parasailing operations must be designed by the manufacturer for parasailing. Vessels shall be equipped with a rear launch platform and hydraulic winch used to release the towline.(b) All commercial parasail operators shall possess the appropriate license for carrying passengers for hire issued by the United States Coast Guard.(c) All parasailing operations shall include an observer 18 years of age or older at all times to monitor the progress of the airborne parasail rider and parachute.(d) All parasail riders shall wear a United States Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device of the proper size and must be connected to the towline and secured in a seat harness attached to an ascending type of parachute.(e) Parasailing conducted in the Atlantic Ocean shall be restricted to not less than three-eighths nautical mile from the shore. This restriction applies to the entire parasailing apparatus, including vessel, tow line and rider.(f) Parasailing operations are prohibited within 600 feet of a bridge span, bridge supports, barriers, or persons in the water. 1. Parasail operators shall not intentionally conduct operations within 600 feet of other vessels. Vessels not engaged in parasailing operations shall not approach within 600 feet of vessels conducting parasail operations.(g) Parasailing shall be prohibited on bodies of water less than 1200 feet in width from shore to shore.(h) All parasail towing vessels shall be equipped with a marine VHF radio and equipment capable of monitoring local weather channels and channel 16 simultaneously.(i) Parasailing shall only be conducted from one-half hour after sunrise to one-half hour before sunset, and at no time during restricted visibility.(j) Parasailing is prohibited when any of the following conditions are present in the area of operation: 1. Sustained winds of 20 miles per hour (17.5 knots);2. Seas five feet or higher;3. Excessive or dangerous wind gusts;4. The vessel is not capable of making forward way with forward winch engagement and passenger(s) in tow; or5. Passenger(s) in tow will not begin to sufficiently descend when forward way has been paused.(k) Tow lines shall not exceed 800 feet in length. The tow line deployed while conducting parasail flight operations shall not exceed 500 feet from the vessel to the canopy yoke.(l) Parasail operators shall inspect the tow line, winch, and other parasail equipment daily and shall trim two feet from the end of the tow line that connects the parasail rider to the parasail vessel as needed, but at least every seven days or 400 flights, whichever is sooner.(m) Parasail operators shall maintain a parasail log on the vessel to document inspections and maintenance of the tow line, including trimming, as required at (l) above, winch, and other parasail equipment.(n) The maximum passenger payload shall not exceed the manufacturer's specifications for the canopy and equipment. At no time shall more than three participants be allowed in any canopy. All parasail vessels shall be equipped with a means of extracting passengers and crew from the water.(o) Parasail operators shall: 1. Yield right of way to all aircraft;2. Maintain a safe distance from all aircraft and/or banners of no less than 500 feet; and3. Not assume that any aircraft is aware of the parasail vessel's position.(p) Individuals intending to engage in parasailing shall notify the State Police station nearest the area of operation 24 hours in advance. Commercial operators shall notify the State Police at least 10 days in advance of the commencement of annual operations.(q) Parasail operators shall only launch and land riders from the flight deck of the vessels.(r) Advertisement banner flying during parasailing operations is prohibited.(s) The Commission shall, upon application, waive any one or more of the above requirements for events of public entertainment on any wholly-owned private lake, provided that it finds the event to be consistent with the interests of boating safety.N.J. Admin. Code § 13:82-6.3
Amended by R.1996 d.88, effective 2/20/1996.
See: 27 N.J.R. 4135(a), 28 N.J.R. 1222(a).
Amended by R.1998 d.197, effective 4/20/1998.
See: 30 N.J.R. 25(b), 30 N.J.R. 1423(a).
Rewrote (e).
Amended by R.1998 d.198, effective 4/20/1998.
See: 30 N.J.R. 26(a), 30 N.J.R. 1422(b).
Added ( o).
Amended by R.1999 d.127, effective 4/19/1999.
See: 31 N.J.R. 113(a), 31 N.J.R. 1069(a).
Rewrote (j); and in ( l), substituted references to the State Police for references to the Marine Law Enforcement Bureau.
Amended by R.2010 d.031, effective 3/1/2010.
See: 41 N.J.R. 3033(a), 42 N.J.R. 636(a).
In (b), substituted "the appropriate license" for "a Captain's License".
Amended by R.2013 d.057, effective 4/15/2013.
See: 44 N.J.R. 2991(a), 45 N.J.R. 933(a).
Section was "Operation". Rewrote (a), (b), (f), (h), (j) and (k); added new ( l) through ( o); recodified former ( l) through ( o) as (p) through (s); and in (r), inserted "during parasailing operations".Amended by 55 N.J.R. 2137(a), effective 10/2/2023