The exchange wagering licensee's internal control procedures shall set forth what race information, if any, it shall make available to exchange wagering account holders. In the event the exchange wagering licensee elects not to provide race information to exchange wagering account holders, or if the Commission determines that the race information the exchange wagering licensee elects to make available to exchange wagering account holders is insufficient, the Commission may, in its discretion, impose a license condition on the exchange wagering licensee requiring that race information, including the nature and extent of such race information, be provided by the exchange wagering licensee to exchange wagering account holders. In determining whether to impose such a condition, the Commission shall consider whether such provision of such race information to exchange wagering account holders will foster and enhance the exchange wagering system, alleviate the potential for confusion amongst the exchange wagering account holders, whether the race information is otherwise reasonably and readily available to the exchange wager account holders from a source other than the exchange wagering licensee, and the position of the exchange wagering licensee.
N.J. Admin. Code § 13:74C-5.13