Subchapter 12 - CLAIMING
- Section 13:70-12.1 - Claiming races on the flat
- Section 13:70-12.1A - Exemption from claim
- Section 13:70-12.2 - Reserved
- Section 13:70-12.3 - Claiming races over jumps or hurdles
- Section 13:70-12.4 - Claimed horse
- Section 13:70-12.5 - Claimed horse racing elsewhere
- Section 13:70-12.6 - Agents
- Section 13:70-12.7 - Claiming own horse
- Section 13:70-12.8 - Claimed horse; stabled
- Section 13:70-12.9 - Number of claims
- Section 13:70-12.10 - Stable claims
- Section 13:70-12.11 - Agreements
- Section 13:70-12.12 - Intimidation
- Section 13:70-12.13 - Affidavits
- Section 13:70-12.14 - Form of claims
- Section 13:70-12.15 - No money in claim box
- Section 13:70-12.16 - Time; claims
- Section 13:70-12.17 - Irrevocability
- Section 13:70-12.18 - Opening claim envelopes
- Section 13:70-12.19 - Title in claimed horse
- Section 13:70-12.20 - Void claims
- Section 13:70-12.20A - Voidable claims
- Section 13:70-12.21 - Delivery to claimant
- Section 13:70-12.22 - Delivery; written authorization
- Section 13:70-12.23 - Cooling the horse
- Section 13:70-12.24 - Required delivery
- Section 13:70-12.25 - Title; more than one claim
- Section 13:70-12.26 - Engagements
- Section 13:70-12.27 - Liens
- Section 13:70-12.28 - Reserved
- Section 13:70-12.29 - Reserved
- Section 13:70-12.30 - Claiming price
- Section 13:70-12.31 - Sale of claimed horse
- Section 13:70-12.32 - Conflict of rules
- Section 13:70-12.33 - Reserved
- Section 13:70-12.34 - Sex of horse claimed
- Section 13:70-12.35 - Protests
- Section 13:70-12.36 - Testing
- Section 13:70-12.37 - Open claiming
- Section 13:70-12.38 - Delivery of corticosteroid records