N.J. Admin. Code § 13:21-21.12

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 13:21-21.12 - Notice and recordkeeping requirements
(a) Each licensee shall display an outdoor sign which shall read: "Registered: State of New Jersey--Licensed Auto Body Repair Facility" and display the license number of the auto body repair facility. The sign must contain letters at least two inches high with a stroke of approximately one-half inch and visible from the road and located in a conspicuous location for the general public to see. In the event zoning ordinances prohibit the posting of this sign or such posting is otherwise impractical, the licensee shall place such sign on the exterior of the auto body repair facility.
(b) Every license issued in accordance with this subchapter shall be prominently displayed in the office, waiting area, or other conspicuous location at the auto body repair facility that is accessible to the public.
(c) Every licensed auto body repair facility shall post in a conspicuous location accessible to the public a "Notice to Consumers" concerning violations of N.J.S.A. 39:13-1 et seq. and the fact that customers or insurers have a right to inspect the repaired motor vehicle before paying for the repair work. The Notice shall be prescribed and furnished by the Commission.
(d) Every licensed auto body repair facility shall maintain copies of all estimates, work orders, invoices, parts purchase orders, appraisals and/or other documents prepared by that facility on repair work performed by that facility or by subcontractors.
1. Such copies shall be kept for two years, and shall be available for inspection by the Chief Administrator, or any person designated by him or her, during normal business hours.
2. Failure to permit such inspection shall subject the licensee to administrative action pursuant to this subchapter.
(e) Every auto body repair facility shall, upon request of the Chief Administrator or any person designated by him or her, provide the Chief Administrator or his or her designee with a list of its employees in such form and detail as may be required by the Chief Administrator or his or her designee. Failure to provide such list when requested shall subject the licensee to administrative action pursuant to this subchapter.
(f) The licensee shall notify the Chief Administrator, in writing, within 30 days of any change in address of the auto body repair facility or of any change in address of persons or entities required to be listed on the application by N.J.A.C. 13:21-21.4.
(g) The licensee shall notify the Chief Administrator, in writing, within 10 days whenever any person or entity required to be listed on the application by N.J.A.C. 13:21-21.4 is no longer associated with the auto body repair facility.
(h) All written notifications required by this subchapter shall be made by either personal delivery or sent by certified mail to the Auto Body Repair Facility Licensing Section of the Commission at the address specified in N.J.A.C. 13:21-21.4(a).
(i) An amended application shall be filed by the licensee with the Chief Administrator when there is a substitution and/or addition of persons or entities required to be listed on the application by N.J.A.C. 13:21-21.4, and shall meet the requirements of N.J.A.C. 13:21-21.6(a) and 21.4(d).
(j) Any process issued to a licensee pursuant to the statutory authority of the Chief Administrator, including, but not limited to, subpoenas, orders, and orders to show cause, may be served upon a licensee or counsel of record, by sending said process by certified mail, or ordinary mail, to the business address of the auto body repair facility or to counsel's address on record with the Commission.

N.J. Admin. Code § 13:21-21.12

Amended by R.1996 d.27, effective 1/16/1996.
See: 27 New Jersey Register 4153(a), 28 New Jersey Register 275(a).
Amended by R.2005 d.129, effective 4/18/2005.
See: 36 New Jersey Register 1886(a), 37 New Jersey Register 1212(b).
Rewrote the section.
Amended by R.2006 d.250, effective 7/3/2006.
See: 38 N.J.R. 445(a), 38 N.J.R. 2875(a).
In (f), substituted "30" for "10" and "of" for "or" preceding "persons".