Persons shall be given the opportunity to comply with the eligibility requirements and apply for WFNJ benefits without delay. Staff of the county or municipal agency shall accept, process, and recommend action on applications for assistance within 30 days. If the applicant is eligible, payment shall be issued as soon as eligibility is established. The county or municipal agency shall act promptly and timely on applications as long as the WFNJ participant is eligible for assistance and is complying with program requirements. Failure of the county or municipal agency to act promptly and timely shall not be a basis for denying or delaying the issuance of benefits. The county and municipal agency shall also act promptly and timely on redetermining eligibility, but failure of the county or municipal agency to act promptly and timely shall not be a basis for delay in granting assistance.
N.J. Admin. Code § 10:90-1.5
See: 44 N.J.R. 544(a), 44 N.J.R. 2947(b).
Inserted designation (a); in the introductory paragraph of (a), inserted a comma following "process", and added (a)1.