N.J. Admin. Code § 10:37F-2.4
Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 10:37F-2.4 - Recovery planning(a) The individualized recovery plan is designed to assist the consumer in organizing, reviewing and modifying an array of treatment and rehabilitation services which supports his or her identified path to recovery. The IRP shall be based on specific areas of interest identified by the consumer and urgent problems or barriers that have been prioritized from the comprehensive assessment. 1. It shall be formulated and implemented at the completion of the comprehensive assessment, but no later than six weeks from the consumer's admission to the program.2. Areas identified in the comprehensive assessment, but not initially addressed in the IRP at intake, should be reviewed and formulated at subsequent IRP reviews or when re-prioritized by the consumer and PA. The IRP shall reflect agreement and mutual understanding between the consumer and the program staff on goals to be achieved by the consumer and program activities to address these goals.(b) The IRP, developed with the consumer, shall include the following:1. Language that can be easily understood by the consumer;2. The signatures of the consumer, primary case coordinator or counselor and direct care staff supervisor;3. The psychiatrist's or advanced practice nurse's signature, which shall reflect the direction of the course of treatment;4. To assure family participation in developing the IRP and revisions, the PA shall seek the input of family members or close personal friends at each service planning milestone; however, the PA may not disclose protected health information to family members or close personal friends, except as follows: i. Protected health information may be disclosed to the extent permitted by a valid written authorization;ii. If the consumer is present at the service planning milestone, or otherwise available prior to, protected health information may be disclosed at that meeting if it is directly relevant to the family member's or close personal friend's involvement with the consumer's care and one of the following apply:(1) The consumer agrees to disclosure of the information at the time of service planning milestone;(2) The consumer is provided with an opportunity to object to the disclosure at the service planning milestone and does not express an objection; or(3) Based on the exercise of professional judgment, the PA reasonably infers from the circumstances at the service planning milestone that the consumer does not object to the disclosure. Absent countervailing circumstances, the consumer's agreement to participate in the service planning milestone with the family member or close personal friend present indicates that the consumer does not object to disclosure of protected health information that is directly relevant to the family member's or close personal friend's involvement with his or her care; oriii. If the opportunity to agree or object to the use or disclosure cannot practicably be provided because of the individual's incapacity or an emergency circumstance, the PA may, in the exercise of his or her professional judgment, determine whether the disclosure is in the best interests of the individual and, if so, disclose only the protected health information that is directly relevant to the person's involvement with the individual's health care;5. The consumer's self-stated overall goals related to chosen, valued role(s) and specific plans to achieve these roles, with target dates for achievement, including further in-depth and ongoing assessment in the identified areas;6. Specific interventions, strategies and activities to implement the IRP, including clear reference to necessary off-site services to assist in the transfer of learning;7. Identification of staff responsible for implementing each intervention; and8. A comment section under which the consumer states in his or her own words any concerns, agreements, or disagreements with either the development of or final IRP.(c) Where protected health information is disclosed pursuant to (b)4ii or iii above, the PA shall document the basis for the disclosure. Disclosure in accordance with (b)4ii or iii above shall not authorize or otherwise provide a basis for future disclosures not in compliance with this section.(d) Notwithstanding (a), (b) and (c) above, the PA shall not disclose to a consumer's family or close personal friends, psychotherapy notes related to treatment of the consumer without the consumer's valid written authorization, consistent with 45 CFR 164.508(a)2.(e) The PA shall include consumer and family (if the consumer consents) participation in service planning. The consumer's signature on the IRP shall indicate that the consumer was involved in the formulation of the plan or that the consumer reviewed and approved of the plan. If the consumer is not involved in the development of the plan or the consumer does not agree with any part of the plan, the consumer shall document his or her lack of participation or disagreement in the comments section of the IRP. 1. If the consumer refuses to give written authorization to release information, the team shall document in the consumer's record that efforts were made at each milestone to obtain such authorization.(f) The IRP shall reflect any other service in which the consumer participates and coordinative efforts, if any, in achieving the treatment goals and objectives.(g) The PA shall train staff in the formulation and implementation of an IRP.(h) The comprehensive IRP shall be periodically reviewed to determine the consumer's need for continued services and revised as necessary.1. The IRP shall be reviewed and revised within three months of its development, every three months for the first year, and every six months thereafter, unless goals or objectives change due to new information from the in-depth and ongoing assessment or a change in the consumer's circumstances. The IRP shall then be immediately changed to reflect this new information. A review of ongoing skill and resource assessments shall be made prior to the plan review. Documentation of the IRP reviews shall include signatures of the consumer, direct care staff, supervisor and psychiatrist.2. IRP reviews shall reflect the consumer's changing needs and progress toward goals. Documentation shall include a determination of the need for continued PC services and any revisions in service provision. Consideration of the expected benefits of continued services and the risk of service termination shall be included.3. The PA shall update the psychiatric evaluation at least every six months for every consumer receiving partial care services.4. As the consumer progresses, treatment goals shall address a gradual reduction in services or a transition to less intensive services.5. Maintenance of functioning shall be a legitimate service goal if it is appropriate to the consumer's needs.(i) The PA shall write progress notes in the consumer's record at least weekly, as follows: 1. The PA staff shall document development of the IRP during the initial three-month period in the progress notes.2. Each weekly progress note shall address: i. The consumer's response to at least one specific treatment intervention identified in the IRP;ii. A summary of PC activities in which the consumer participated during that week;iii. The consumer's general level of participation and clinical progress in the program for that week; andiv. Significant events that occurred during that week.3. Within every three-month period, the progress notes shall reflect the consumer's progress towards all goals and objectives included within the IRP.4. Progress notes shall contain documentation by P.A. staff of all known current medications prescribed to address both psychiatric and medical conditions. All medications and changes in the medication regimen shall also be documented by P.A. staff on a medication summary sheet.5. Progress notes shall be legibly written, signed and dated.6. Progress within group and other PA activities shall be documented through a weekly rating of the consumer's progress and participation which may also include the consumer's perspective. These ratings can be contained within the body of the weekly progress note in the form of a written narrative or a rating scale which is distinct from any overall progress or historical account of the week. i. Overall progress and participation for the week should be reflected in the weekly progress note.N.J. Admin. Code § 10:37F-2.4
Recodified in part from N.J.A.C. 10:37F-2.2 and amended by R.2006 d.389, effective 11/6/2006.
See: 38 N.J.R. 1990(a), 38 N.J.R. 4694(b).
Section was "Assessment and service planning". Recodified (a) as N.J.A.C. 10:37F-2.3; and rewrote the section. Former N.J.A.C. 10:37F-2.4, Termination, transfer and referral of clients, recodified to N.J.A.C. 10:37F-2.6.
Amended by R.2009 d.182, effective 6/1/2009.
See: 40 N.J.R. 2184(a), 41 N.J.R. 2266(a).
Rewrote (b)4; added new (c) and (d); and recodified former (c) through (g) as (e) through (i).