N.H. Admin. Code § Tre 215.02

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Tre 215.02 - Petition Information

Each petition for declaratory ruling shall:

(a) Be in legible written form and addressed to the:

State Treasurer

State House Annex, Room 121

25 Capitol Street

Concord,NH 03301;

(b) Include the petitioner's name and address and, if applicable, the name and address of the organization with which the petitioner is associated;
(c) State in detail why the treasury should make such a declaratory ruling;
(d) Cite the rule and provide all information in the petitioner's possession or available to the petitioner, which is material to the declaratory ruling; and
(e) Be signed and dated.

N.H. Admin. Code § Tre 215.02

#7589-A, eff 11-7-01; ss by #9575-A, eff 10-22-09