N.H. Admin. Code Tra, ch. Tra 300, app II
This appendix includes typical design standards for various driveway/access situations. These typical designs are for illustrative purposes. Applicants may wish to use typical designs as guides; however, designs must be adapted to reflect specific circumstances. Requirements of site or safety may dictate different solutions which must receive concurrence from the district engineer.
Residential Drive-Rural/Urban..............................I
Common Drive-Rural/Urban..................................II
Single Drives-Major Entrance-Rural/Urban.................III
One-Way Drives-Major Entrance-Rural/Urban.................IV
Two-Way Drives-Major Entrance-Rural/Urban..................V
Divided Drive-Major Entrance-Rural/Urban..................VI
Alternate Land Subdivision Plans.........................VII
Typical Rural Drives in Cut and Fill Sections...........VIII
Typical Urban Drives in Cut and Fill Sections.............IX
Typical Acceleration-Deceleration Lanes for Right Turns....X
Typical By-Pass Shoulder..................................XI
Turning Template, Bus and Trailer Truck..................XII
Turning Template, Single Unit and Passenger.............XIII
N.H. Admin. Code Tra, ch. Tra 300, app II