Part Rev 1001 - DEFINITIONS
- Section Rev 1001.01 - Bond
- Section Rev 1001.02 - Cigarette
- Section Rev 1001.03 - Consumer
- Section Rev 1001.041 - E-cigarette or Electronic cigarette
- Section Rev 1001.042 - Little cigar
- Section Rev 1001.04 - Department
- Section Rev 1001.05 - Manufacturer
- Section Rev 1001.06 - Other tobacco products (OTP)
- Section Rev 1001.07 - Regular accounting quarter
- Section Rev 1001.08 - Reporting period
- Section Rev 1001.09 - Retailer
- Section Rev 1001.10 - Roll-your-own (RYO)
- Section Rev 1001.11 - Sale or sell
- Section Rev 1001.12 - Sampler
- Section Rev 1001.13 - Smoked
- Section Rev 1001.14 - "Smokeless tobacco", as referenced in the definition of "tobacco products" in RSA 78:1, XIII
- Section Rev 1001.15 - Snuff flour
- Section Rev 1001.16 - Snus and snuff
- Section Rev 1001.17 - Tobacco products
- Section Rev 1001.18 - Taxpayer identification number
- Section Rev 1001.19 - Wholesaler
- Section Rev 1001.20 - Taxpayer identification number
- Section Rev 1001.21 - Wholesaler