Section Res 7401.03 - Exclusions Permission through application shall be required for use of DRED lands, facilities, and resources, except uses by governmental and quasi-governmental agencies under separate agreement for the use or activity, or uses governed by the following statutes, rules, management plans and department programs:
(a) Res 5200, Rules For The Operation Of Wood Processing Mills;(b) Res 5300, Rules For The Harvesting Of Timber;(c) Res 5400, Floating Timber Rules;(d) Res 5601, Fire Permits;(e) Res 5602, Public Or Private Camp Or Picnic Grounds;(f) Res 5603, Disposal Sites;(g)Res 7301.23, Group Use;(h)Res 7302.03, Camping Permits;(i) Res 7403, Special Use Permits;(j) Res 7404, Group Reservations;(k)RSA 216-A:3, Agreement with other state agencies, the federal government, municipalities or other public and private agencies, including but not limited to agreements with friends groups, partner organizations and volunteers;(l)RSA 227-H:9, Leasing of Privileges and Concessions;(m) Permissible uses granted under a property management plan;(n) Guiding services that meet all of the following requirements:(1) The activity is conducted outside developed areas of DRED properties, except that the following uses within developed areas shall not require a special use permit: a. Organizations that serve youths and children, such as but not limited to municipal recreation departments, non-profit and commercial youth groups and camps, that provide youth-based guiding services that are conducted within developed DRED areas and qualify under that department's group use, school group or bus pass program, as established in accordance with the department's fee package pursuant to RSA 216-A:3-g;b. Fishing guides using public boat access facilities located on the below listed DRED lands and managed under agreement with the department of fish and game, when used for the sole purpose of accessing the body of water:1. Bedell Bridge state park;2. Greenfield state park;3. Pawtuckaway state park; and4. Wellington state park;(2) The activity is within the normal and routine recreational use of DRED lands, such as but not limited to hunting, fishing, hiking, birding, nature, canoe, kayak, and climbing guiding; and(3) The activity does not otherwise require a special use permit under Res 7403.01.(o) Programs, events or activities initiated, sponsored or conducted by the department; and(p) Events or activities solely involving the expression of views, such as assemblies, meetings and demonstrations that: (1) Is not a special use or commercial use listed under Res 7403.01(a) through (m); and(2) Does not involve such numbers of people that it would overwhelm the specific location and degrade visitor experience, as determined by the department.N.H. Admin. Code § Res 7401.03
(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Res 7400) #10533, eff 3-1-14