N.H. Admin. Code § Puc 607.09

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Puc 607.09 - Procedural Expenses
(a) A small water utility seeking rate relief pursuant to this section may recover the following expenses:
(1) All administrative costs, including, but not limited to:
a. Postage costs;
b. Publication costs;
c. Photocopying expenses; and
d. Transcription costs; and
(2) One of the following 2 expense categories:
a. The fees of one professional, such as, an accountant, economist, engineer or attorney provided they are prudently incurred and just and reasonable; or
b. All mileage and hourly fees of utility employees used to prosecute a rate proceeding pursuant to this section.

N.H. Admin. Code § Puc 607.09

Derived from Number 10, Filed March 7, 2024, Proposed by #13887, Effective 2/22/2024, Expires 4/22/2034 (See Revision Note # 1 and Revision Note #2 at chapter heading for Puc 600).