N.H. Admin. Code § Puc 607.07

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Puc 607.07 - Commission Decision
(a) After review and consideration of the department staff recommendation and any position statements and responses thereto, the commission shall:
(1) Issue an order nisi approving a rate increase, if the commission finds the rate increase just and reasonable pursuant to the standards set forth in RSA 378 and by the New Hampshire supreme court, and the request is related to a matter under the commission's jurisdiction as set forth in this chapter;
(2) Issue an order denying the rate increase, if the commission finds the requested rate increase to be unjust and unreasonable pursuant to the standards set forth in RSA 378 and by the New Hampshire supreme court, or the request is outside the ambit of these rules; or
(3) Issue an order initiating a full rate proceeding pursuant to RSA 378:7 and Puc 1600 should the commission believe the utility is over-earning, or under-earning to a degree that threatens safe and adequate service to customers.

N.H. Admin. Code § Puc 607.07

(See Revision Notes at Chapter heading Puc 600 and below) #6475, eff 3-25-97; ss by #8311, eff 3-25-05; ss by #10407, eff 9-10-13

Amended by Number 10, Filed March 7, 2024, Proposed by #13887, Effective 2/22/2024, Expires 4/22/2034 (See Revision Note # 1 and Revision Note #2 at chapter heading for Puc 600).


Document #6475 removed the former Puc 610 entitled "Uniform System of Accounts for Water Utilities" and amended the former Puc 607.08 governing accounting records, previously adopted under Document #5818, effective 4-27-94.

Pursuant to RSA 374:8, II and RSA 541-A:21, I(q), as amended effective 7-23-94 by 1994, 193:3 and 193:4, the uniform system of accounts (USOA) for regulated utilities as referenced in Puc 607.07 is exempt from the rulemaking requirements of RSA 541-A. The text of the USOA is not included in Puc 607.07 above because the publication requirement for rules in RSA 541-A:15, I does not apply.

By Order No. 21,310 dated August 8, 1994, the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (Commission) ordered, because of 1994, 193, that the USOAs, including the USOA for water utilities, "shall remain in effect until such time as the Commission shall prescribe, amend, rescind or otherwise affect the USOAs currently prescribed for regulated utilities".

The Commission must still file in the Office of Legislative Services a copy of all USOA rules adopted, amended or repealed under RSA 374:8. The text of the USOA for water utilities subject to Order No. 21,310 was last filed in Document #6624.

A copy of the USOA as referenced in Puc 607.07 may be obtained at the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, 21 South Fruit Street, Suite 10, Concord, New Hampshire 03301.