N.H. Admin. Code § Plc 1510.03

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Plc 1510.03 - Conditions of License Suspension or Revocation
(a) If a license is suspended or revoked, the licensee shall prepare and submit a plan of correction to address each violation that provided a basis for the disciplinary proceeding.
(b) The executive director shall review the submitted plan of correction and:
(1) Approve the plan, if it:
a. Addresses each violation that provided a basis for the disciplinary proceeding; and
b. Identifies one or more specific actions that the license will take and specifies a deadline for taking each action that is reasonable given the nature of the action to be taken; or
(2) Return the plan to the licensee for revision and resubmission if the plan does not meet the requirements for approval specified in (1), above.
(c) A licensee whose license was suspended may request the license to be reactivated after the conditions specified in the suspension order have been met in accordance with Plc 1508.12(a).
(d) An individual whose license has been revoked and who wishes to reapply for a license shall apply as for license reinstatement in accordance with Plc 1508.12(b).
(e) A license shall not be granted to an individual who previously held a license but whose license was revoked unless and until the individual has complied with the requirements on which the revocation was based and has paid the costs associated with the revocation, if imposed pursuant to RSA 310-A:1-m, VI or other applicable law.

N.H. Admin. Code § Plc 1510.03

Derived from Volume XLII Number 49, Filed December 8, 2022, (See Revision Note at chapter heading for Plc 1500), Proposed by #13496, Effective 11/27/2022, Expires 5/23/2023.
Amended by Number 19, Filed May 11, 2023, Proposed by #13621, Effective 5/22/2023, Expires 5/22/2033 (see Revision Note #2 at chapter heading for Plc 1500).