Section Ph 403.12 - In-State Approved Providers of Continuing Pharmacy Education(a) An individual, institution, organization, association, corporation or agency located in the state of New Hampshire desiring to be an in-state provider of continuing pharmacy education shall notify the board in writing subject to the criteria set forth in Ph 403.12(d)(1) - (10).(b) Approval of in-state providers shall be valid for a period of 2 years from date of approval after which time re-application shall be necessary.(c) In-state providers who desire to become approved by the board shall provide their educational qualifications and an example of a program to the CEAC committee for review.(d) In state providers shall comply with the following: (1) The provider shall designate a responsible person for the administration of the continuing pharmacy education program and liaison with the CEAC and the board;(2) Providers shall award continuing pharmacy education credit to successful participants in terms of CEU's;(3) The provider shall maintain a list of successful participants for each program provided for a period of not less than 3 years;(4) The list required by (3) above shall be made available to the CEAC and the board on request;(5) The provider shall award to each successful participant a certificate containing at least the following information: a. The name of the provider;b. The completion date of the continuing education program;c. The name of the participant;d. The title of the program;e. The number of CEU's the program has been assigned; andf. The board of pharmacy program identification number.(6) All programs shall be referenced as "live" or "correspondence" in nature;(7) Providers shall present their participants with a statement of goals and objectives prior to each continuing pharmacy education program and involve their participants in identifying their own educational needs;(8) Providers shall develop and employ evaluation techniques that will assess the effectiveness of the continuing pharmacy education offerings and the level of fulfillment of the stated objectives with the goal of continual improvements;(9) Providers shall utilize an evaluation mechanism for the purpose of allowing each participant to assess his/her achievement of personal objectives; and(10) Providers shall assign an identification number to every program presented according to the numbering system designated by the board of pharmacy.(e) Continuing education programs presented by in-state approved providers shall not have to be submitted to the CEAC for review and approval by the board.(f) In-state approved providers of continuing pharmacy education shall publicize programs and/or coursework by referencing endorsement by the board only as follows: "This program is approved by the New Hampshire Board of Pharmacy for CEU's of continuing pharmacy education". Programs shall also be referenced as "live" or "correspondence" in nature.(g) Board approval of in-state provider shall be revoked following notice and opportunity to be heard upon a finding that the provider has engaged in fraud or dishonesty or is no longer in compliance with one or more of the criteria of (d) above.N.H. Admin. Code § Ph 403.12
#4600, eff 8-1-89; ss by #6094-B, INTERIM, eff 9-21-95, EXPIRED, 1-19-96
New. #6181-B, eff 2-5-96, EXPIRED: 2-5-04
New. #8316, eff 3-26-05
Amended by Volume XXXV Number 18, Filed May 7, 2015 , Proposed by #10812, Effective 4/18/2015, Expires 4/18/2025.