Section Pes 202.04 - Transmittal of Division Record(a) Within 20 working days of receiving a copy of the petition for appeal, the division shall prepare and transmit to the board and to the petitioner a certified copy of the record of the action or decision under review.(b) The record prepared pursuant to (a) above shall contain, to the extent applicable:(1) A tape recording of the oral hearing conducted before the division, or stenographic notes or symbols prepared for the presiding officer at the hearing;(2) All documents, photographs, and other evidence introduced at the oral hearing or received by the division;(3) Any public notices issued by the division;(4) Any motions, comments, written arguments, or other pertinent documents received by the division; and(5) Written responses issued by the division in answer to specific objections and points of contention that had been raised in the petition for appeal.N.H. Admin. Code § Pes 202.04
#5590, eff 2-25-93; ss by #6258, eff 5-30-96; ss by #8058, eff 5-30-04; ss by #10198-A, eff 10-3-12