Part Pes 101 - DEFINITIONS
- Section Pes 101.01 - Abutter
- Section Pes 101.02 - Agricultural commodity
- Section Pes 101.03 - Board
- Section Pes 101.04 - Chemical liability
- Section Pes 101.05 - Chemigation
- Section Pes 101.06 - Commercial applicator not for hire
- Section Pes 101.07 - Common chemical name
- Section Pes 101.08 - Crew
- Section Pes 101.09 - Device
- Section Pes 101.10 - Disposal
- Section Pes 101.11 - Division
- Section Pes 101.12 - Drift
- Section Pes 101.13 - Food handling area
- Section Pes 101.14 - Janitor
- Section Pes 101.15 - Label or labeling
- Section Pes 101.16 - Legally constituted authorities
- Section Pes 101.17 - License
- Section Pes 101.18 - Mechanically-powered equipment
- Section Pes 101.19 - On-highway vehicle
- Section Pes 101.20 - Operational registration certificates
- Section Pes 101.21 - Pesticide
- Section Pes 101.22 - Pesticide dealer
- Section Pes 101.23 - Private applicator
- Section Pes 101.24 - Products/completed operations coverage
- Section Pes 101.25 - Property immediately adjacent to buildings
- Section Pes 101.26 - Public health emergency
- Section Pes 101.27 - Recommendations
- Section Pes 101.28 - Reference line
- Section Pes 101.29 - Residential area
- Section Pes 101.30 - Residue
- Section Pes 101.31 - Right-of-Way
- Section Pes 101.32 - Service container
- Section Pes 101.33 - Special permit
- Section Pes 101.34 - State restricted use pesticide
- Section Pes 101.35 - Supervisory registration certificates
- Section Pes 101.36 - Supervisory Registration Certificate - General Use
- Section Pes 101.37 - Surface waters
- Section Pes 101.38 - Surface waters or their tributaries used for public water supply
- Section Pes 101.39 - Watershed of public water supply