Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Pari 806.26 - Supplemental Application Form for Greyhound Racing VendorOn a form provided by the commission, an applicant for an occupational license as a greyhound racing vendor, in addition to the application form specified in Pari 806.05, supply the following information:
(a) The name of the applicant as it appears on the form specified in Pari 806.05;(b) The name, address and telephone number of the person, corporation or association licensed under RSA 284: 15-a recommending the applicant for occupational licensure;(c) Whether or not the applicant possesses a written, executed contract with at least one kennel, or with a licensee under RSA 284: 15-a, to sell goods or services at the racing premises where the kennel will operate or which is operated by the licensee under RSA 284: 15-a;(d) If the answer to (c) above is yes, the name of each licensee or kennel with whom the applicant posses a contract, as well as the name of each racing premises at which the applicant intends to act as a vendor;(e) A list of goods or services that the applicant will offer for sale.(f) Whether or not the applicant has submitted the list referred to in (e) above to the licensee under RSA 281: 15-a at whose racing premises the vendor will operate;(g) A written statement of the precise location on the racing premises where goods or services will be offered for sale;(h) Whether or not the applicant has submitted the statement referred to in (g) above to the licensee under RSA 281: 15-a at whose racing premises the vendor will operate;(i) The applicant's, or the applicant's duly authorized representative's, signature on the statement set forth in Pari 806.28 below; and(j) The date of the signature described in (i) above.N.H. Admin. Code § Pari 806.26