N.H. Admin. Code § Med 601.05
"Prescription" means "prescription" as defined in RSA 318:1, XVI, namely "a verbal, or written, or facsimile or electronically transmitted order for drugs, medicines and devices by a practitioner licensed in the United States, to be compounded and dispensed by licensed pharmacists in a duly registered pharmacy, and to be kept on file for a period of 4 years. A written order shall include an electronic transmission prescription received and retained in a form complying with rules adopted pursuant to RSA 318:5-a, XV. Prescriptions may also apply to the finished products dispensed or administered by the licensed pharmacist in the registered pharmacy, on order of a licensed practitioner as defined in this section."
N.H. Admin. Code § Med 601.05
#1497, eff 11-29-79; ss by #2199, eff 12-2-82; ss by #2197, eff 12-2-82; ss by #2910, eff 11-21-84; ss by #4745, eff 1-25-90, EXPIRED 1-25-96
New. #6472, eff 3-25-97, EXPIRED: 3-25-05
New. #8678, eff 7-11-06, EXPIRED: 7-11-14