N.H. Admin. Code Lot, ch. Lot 8000, app B
Rule | Title of Document | Obtain at: |
Lot 8003.01(c)(1)f. | Multi-Jurisdictional Personal History Disclosure Form" (as accessed and printed on March 2, 2018) | https://www.racing.nh.gov, or Free download from the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR) website at: https://iagr.org/sites/default/files/Multi%20Jurisdictional%20Application.pdf |
Lot 8004.01(d) | RCI Multi-Jurisdiction Licensing Program form (revised 2/13/18) | Free download from the Association of Racing Commissioners International's (ARCI) website at: http://arci.blob.core.windows.net/webdocs/arci-multi-jurisdictional-application.pdf |
Lot 8004.22(f) | Pari-mutuel Wagering Totalisator Requirements and Operating Environment (Version 1.01, July 2012) | Free download from the ARCI website at: http://arci.blob.core.windows.net/webdocs/Version%20001.1a%20-%20RCI%20Tote%20Standards.pdf |
Lot 8007.02 Lot 8008.03 | Model Rules of Racing (version 8.2, December 2017) | Free download from ARCI website at: http://arci.blob.core.windows.net/webdocs/2017%2012%20Model_Rules_V8.2.pdf |
Lot 8009.03 Lot 8009.04 | Uniform Classification Guidelines for Foreign Substances and Recommended Penalties Model Rule and Recommended Penalties Model Rule (version 13.4, January 2018). | Free download from ARCI website at: http://arci.blob.core.windows.net/webdocs/2018_01_09_CLASSIFICATION_V13.4.pdf |
N.H. Admin. Code Lot, ch. Lot 8000, app B