N.H. Admin. Code § Liq 704.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Liq 704.01 - Notice of Renewal
(a) The division shall identify all year round licenses 90 days before their renewal date.
(b) The following shall apply:
(1) The division shall issue a written application, the applicable License Type Worksheet (LTW), or the renewal of licenses to every licensee;
(2) The application shall be delivered electronically, or by mail if requested by the applicant, or other appropriate method to an address designated by the licensee;
(3) The applicant shall answer all questions in the applicable license type worksheet designed for the renewal of a license as required pursuant to RSA 178:3 and applicable parts of Liq 700;
(4) All questions shall be answered truthfully, completely, in a legible manner, and in a non-erasable graphic;
(5) Any supporting documentation required to update an application pursuant to Liq 702.04 shall accompany the application when submitted for renewal;
(6) The renewal applicant's application to the division office in Concord shall be postmarked at least 30 days before the expiration date of their license; and
(7) The fees, and form of payment shall comply with the provisions of Liq 701.05.

N.H. Admin. Code § Liq 704.01

See Revision Notes #1 and #2 at chapter heading for Liq 700
Derived from Volume XL Number 41, Filed October 8, 2020, Proposed by #13114, Effective 9/25/2020, Expires 9/25/2030.