Section Lab 1503.03 - Information Evaluated(a) Every applicant for an initial employee leasing company license shall file with the commissioner the material required by Lab 1503.02. The information shallbe evaluated as set forth in this section.(b) The department shall first verify compliance with Lab1503.02. (c) Matters addressed by Lab1503.02 shall be evaluated as follows: (1) Before issuing a license, the commissioner shall review the application to assure that the applicant is able to provide the services of an employee-leasing company as required by law, and(2) To make this determination, the commissioner shall review information about the applicant's history, operations, and financial abilities, including: a. The applicant's identity;b. The existence of workers' compensation coverage in the name of the applicant for all leased employees;c. The health insurance coverage, if any;d. The business activities of principals during the 5 years immediately preceding the date of application;e. If the applicant has had its license suspended or limited or denied in any other jurisdiction;f. If the applicant has not paid employee wages or benefits or federal or state payroll taxes or unemployment compensation contributions when due in this state or any other jurisdiction; g. If every leased employee is informed via the employee manual that he or she is in an employee-leasing arrangement; h. If a complete copy of the employee manual has been provided to the leased employees pursuant to the requirements of RSA 277-B:9, I (i); i. If a complete description of the employee grievance system as required by RSA 277-B:9, I (j), and is included in the employee manual; j. If the applicant is in good standing in the state of domicile through the applicant providing a copy of the license, or if no license by a letter of good standing; k. If the applicant has no outstanding unpaid civil penalties owed to New Hampshire; andl. If any person named in the license application has been convicted of a crime, failed to pay business taxes required, or civil penalties owed, or in any other way avoided financial responsibility in this state.N.H. Admin. Code § Lab 1503.03
#6626, eff 11-4-97, EXPIRED: 11-4-05
New. #10221, eff 11-3-12