N.H. Admin. Code § He-W 602.08

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-W 602.08 - Criteria for Extensions to the 60-Month Lifetime Limit
(a) To be eligible to receive an extension to the 60-month lifetime limit on receipt of financial assistance to needy families (FANF) assistance, the assistance group (AG) shall:
(1) Be categorically and financially eligible for FANF assistance except that the AG includes an adult who has received FANF financial assistance for 60 months; or
(2) Be currently receiving FANF financial assistance and an adult AG member has received FANF financial assistance for at least 54 months.
(b) The AG shall:
(1) Verify the existence of a current hardship pursuant to (c) below;
(2) Request an extension pursuant to (d) below;
(3) Participate in a face-to-face interview with a department representative;
(4) Provide the verification required in He-W 602.10 within 10 days of the date of the request;
(5) Not have voluntarily quit or refused suitable employment without good cause pursuant to RSA 167:82,III(c) within 60 days of the request for extension;
(6) Not be in sanction status pursuant to He-W 637.08:
a. At the time of applying for an extension to the 60-month lifetime limit;
b. Any time while eligibility for the extension to the 60-month lifetime limit is being processed; or
c. At the time financial assistance was closed due to reaching the 60-month lifetime limit, unless the AG has remedied the sanction that was imposed due to non-compliance pursuant to He-W 637.08(c) ;
(7) Not be disqualified from receiving FANF financial assistance due to commission of an intentional program violation, as described at He-W 693:
a. At the time of applying for an extension to the 60-month lifetime limit;
b. Any time while eligibility for the extension to the 60-month lifetime limit is being processed;
c. At the time the 60-month lifetime limit was reached; or
d. Any time after eligibility for the extension to the 60-month lifetime limit has been approved; and
(8) Comply with all NHEP work program requirements pursuant to He-W 637.05 after eligibility for the extension to the 60-month lifetime limit has been approved, unless good cause exists pursuant to He-W 637.07.
(c) AGs that meet the criteria in (a) and (b) above, shall verify the existence of at least one of the following hardship reasons that would allow the department to grant an extension to the 60-month lifetime limit on receipt of FANF financial assistance:
(1) The AG includes an individual who has been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty as described in 42 USC 608(a) (7) (C) ;
(2) The AG includes an adult who:
a. Is unable to obtain adequate child care as described in He-W 637.07(d) , provided that the individual has made an effort to explore other child care providers and options for obtaining adequate child care pursuant to He-W 637.07(c) ;
b. Is unable to participate in any of the employment activities described in He-W 637.09 through He-W 637.23 due to a physical or mental condition pursuant to RSA 167:82,II(f) ;
c. Is unable to participate in any of the work activities described in He-W 637.09 through He-W 637.23 because:

1.He or she must provide care to another relative or assistance group member who resides in the same household due to that member's illness, incapacity, or disability pursuant to RSA 167:82,II(g) ; and

2.No alternative care is available or feasible;

d. Is participating in an alcohol or other drug abuse or mental health program that prevents or limits participation in any of the work activities described in He-W 637.09 through He-W 637.23;
e. Is unemployed for a reason other than the reasons stated in RSA 167:82,III(c) and (d) , and meets one of the requirements below:

1.Has applied for unemployment compensation benefits but is not yet receiving them, but in the meantime is actively seeking employment; or

2.Is not eligible for unemployment compensation benefits and is actively seeking employment;

f. Is experiencing a life-threatening circumstance as described in He-W 654.03(h) (1) -(3) or an emergency situation as described in He-W 699.05(d) (2) ;
g. Has a learning disability that has been identified by a:

1.State certified education professional licensed to certify for learning disabilities; or

2.A licensed psychologist; or

h. Is engaged in unsubsidized employment for at least 30 hours per week;
(3) New Hampshire department of employment security has determined that the state:
a. Is eligible for the federal/state cooperative extended benefit program pursuant to the Federal-State Extended Benefit Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970 or any other temporary federal supplemental unemployment benefit program in effect in the state; or
b. Has a statewide unemployment rate of 7% or more;
(4) The AG lives in an area designated by the United States Department of Labor as a labor surplus area;
(5) The AG is receiving FAP or is eligible for FAP financial assistance except that the AG has received FANF financial assistance for 60 months; or
(6) The AG is participating in NHEP pursuant to He-W 637.03 and complying with all participation requirements pursuant to He-W 637.05.
(d) The AG shall request an extension by providing the following information to the department:
(1) The casehead's printed name, address, and case number;
(2) The reasons for the request; and
(3) The signature of the casehead and the current date.

N.H. Admin. Code § He-W 602.08

#7470, eff 4-1-01; amd by #7918, eff 8-1-03; ss by #9433, eff 4-1-09; ss by #9775, eff 9-1-10

Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 50, Filed December 13, 2018, Proposed by #12676, Effective 11/20/2018, Expires 11/20/2028.