N.H. Admin. Code § He-W 569.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-W 569.01 - Definitions
(a) "Current procedural terminology (CPT) code" means a unique identifying code in the field of medical nomenclature and designed by US Department of Health and Human Services as the national coding standard utilized in government and private health insurance programs for reporting medical services and procedures.
(b) "Department" means the New Hampshire department of health and human services, unless otherwise specified.
(c) "Medicaid" means the Title XIX and Title XXI programs administered by the department, which makes medical assistance available to eligible individuals.
(d) "Prior authorization (PA) agent" means the individual or organization contracted by the department responsible for approving requests for outpatient diagnostic radiological services.
(e) "Recipient" means any individual who is eligible for and receiving medical assistance under the medicaid program.
(f) "Title XIX" means the joint federal-state program described in Title XIX of the Social Security Act and administered in New Hampshire by the department under the medicaid program.
(g) "Title XXI" means the joint federal-state program described in Title XXI of the Social Security Act and administered in New Hampshire by the department under the medicaid program.

N.H. Admin. Code § He-W 569.01

(See Revision Note at chapter heading He-W 500); ss by #6575, eff 9-12-97; ss by #8400, INTERIM, eff 8-20-05, EXPIRES: 2-16-06; ss by #8562, eff 2-7-06; amd by #10139, eff 7-1-12; ss by #10517, eff 2-7-14