Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-P 810.06 - License Expirations and Procedures for Renewals(a) A license shall be valid on the date of issuance and expire the following year on the last day of the month prior to the month in which it was issued, unless a completed application for renewal has been received.(b) Each licensee shall complete and submit to the department an application form pursuant to He-P 810.04(a) (1) at least 120 days prior to the expiration of the current license.(c) The licensee shall submit with the renewal application:(1) The materials required by He-P 810.04(a) (1) and (4) ;(2) The current license number;(3) A request for renewal of any existing non-permanent waiver previously granted by the department, in accordance with He-P 810.10(f) , if applicable;(4) A list of any current employees who have a permanent waiver granted in accordance with He-P 810.18(c) ; and(5) A statement identifying any variances applied for or granted by the state fire marshal, in accordance with Saf-C 6005.03 -6005.04, as adopted by the commissioner of the department of safety under RSA 153, and as amended pursuant to RSA 153:5, I, by the state fire marshal with the board of fire control.(d) In addition to (c) above, if a private water supply is used, the licensee shall provide documentation that every 3 years the water supply has been tested for bacteria and nitrates and determined to be at acceptable levels, in accordance with Env-Dw 702.02 for bacteria and Env-Dw 704.02 for nitrates.(e) Following an inspection as described in He-P 810.09, a license shall be renewed if the department determines that the licensee: (1) Submitted an application containing all the items required by (c) and (d) above, prior to the expiration of the current license;(2) Has submitted a POC that has been accepted by the department and implemented by the licensee if areas of noncompliance were cited at the last licensing inspection or investigation; and(3) Is found to be in compliance with RSA 151 and He-P 810 at the renewal inspection.(f) Any licensee who does not submit a complete application for renewal prior to the expiration of an existing license shall be required to submit an application for initial license pursuant to He-P 810.04.(g) If a licensee chooses to cease the operation of the birthing center, the licensee shall submit written notification to the department at least 45 days in advance.N.H. Admin. Code § He-P 810.06
#5635, eff 6-7-93; ss by #7006, INTERIM, eff 5-26-99, EXPIRED: 9-23-99
New. #8957, eff 7-27-07
Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 36, Filed September 8, 2016, Proposed by #11161, Effective 8/20/2016, Expires 8/20/2026.