N.H. Admin. Code § He-P 309.05

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-P 309.05 - Central Line Insertion Practices (CLIP)
(a) Hospitals shall report CLIP annually on or before April 30th for January 1st through December 31st of the prior year by:
(1) Completing and submitting to the department the "Annual Hospital CLIP survey"; or
(2) Reporting directly to the Centers for Disease Control (CMS) through NHSN.
(b) Hospitals shall comply with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Healthcare Safety Network, "Central Line Insertion Practices (CLIP) Adherence Monitoring" (January 2019 edition), available as noted in Appendix A at http://www.cdc.gov/nhsn/PDFs/pscManual/5psc_CLIPcurrent.pdf, when submitting CLIP via NHSN.
(c) Hospitals shall conduct CLIP surveillance for central lines placed in all adult, pediatric, and neonatal intensive care units for all 12 calendar months.
(d) The department shall contact all hospitals via email no later than February 15th of each year and provide a link to the survey, as well as a pdf.
(e) Hospitals shall either:
(1) Complete the survey via the survey link; or
(2) Complete the pdf version of the survey and return to the department via:
a. Email, as an email attachment, to haiprogram@dhhs.nh.gov;
b. Fax, to (603) 271-0545; or
c. Mail, to:

Healthcare Associated Infections Surveillance Program

Bureau of Disease Control

Division of Public Health Services

Department of Health and Human Services

29 Hazen Drive

Concord, NH 03301

(f) Hospitals utilizing the "Annual Hospital CLIP Survey" shall report the following information:
(1) Hospital contact information as follows:
a. Facility name;
b. Name of person completing the survey;
c. Professional title of person completing the survey;
d. Email address of the person completing the survey; and
e. Telephone number of the person completing the survey;
(2) Total number of central line insertions by the following occupation of inserter:
a. Fellow;
b. Medical student;
c. Physician assistant;
d. Attending physician;
e. Intern or resident;
f. Registered nurse;
g. Advanced registered nurse practitioner;
h. Other student; and
i. Other occupations, which shall be specified;
(3) Total number of central line insertions that adhered to the CLIP bundle by the following occupation of inserter:
a. Fellow;
b. Medical student;
c. Physician assistant;
d. Attending physician;
e. Intern or resident;
f. Registered nurse;
g. Advanced registered nurse practitioner;
h. Other student; and
i. Other occupations, which shall be specified; and
(4) Any other comments as desired.
(g) Specialty hospitals shall not be required to report CLIP data.

N.H. Admin. Code § He-P 309.05

#9851, eff 1-14-11; amd by #10079, eff 1-26-12 (from He-P 309.04 )

Amended by Volume XL Number 2, Filed January 9, 2020, Proposed by #12943, Effective 12/11/2019, Expires 12/11/2029.