N.H. Admin. Code § He-P 2107.01

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-P 2107.01 - Submission of Initial Registration Applications
(a) All applicants registering their products in accordance with RSA 143:12 shall complete and submit to the department Form OSB APP "Application for Beverage and Bottled Water Registration" (October 2021 Edition), obtained from the department or available at https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dphs/fp/beverage/license.htm, affirming and certifying the following:

"I certify that all information provided in or attached to this application is complete, accurate and up-to-date as of the date specified below. I further certify that there are no willful misrepresentations of the answers to questions herein, and that I have made no omissions with respect to any of my answers to the questions presented. I certify that any bottled water that I am registering meets the standards of quality in He-P 2102.02(b). I understand that it is my responsibility to immediately notify the Food Protection Section regarding to any changes, corrections or updates to the information provided."

(b) The applicant shall include the following information in the application submittal:
(1) A copy of a sanitary inspection conducted within the previous 12 months by the regulatory authority with jurisdiction or a recognized national third party audit organization, a letter from the regulatory authority confirming compliance with local regulations or a health certificate for the bottling facility issued within the previous 12 months;
(2) If the product is bottled water, a copy of the approval of the source for bottled water, including the approval for the designation "spring water", if the product is labeled as such, issued by the federal, state, local, provincial, or other government agency with the authority to approve sources for bottled water; and
(3) If the product is bottled water, a copy of laboratory analysis for Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MtBE) based on the specified Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) in Env-Dw 705.01 and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Contaminants based on the specified MCLs in Env-Dw 705.06 in accordance with He-P 2102.05, of the finished product.
(c) The analyses required by (b)(3) above shall be conducted not more than 12 months prior to the date of the application by an approved laboratory in accordance with He-P 2102.05(a).
(d) Cash, check, money order, or online payment for the application fee of $400, in accordance with RSA 143:12 shall be submitted with the registration application.
(e) Upon receipt of an application for registration and appropriate registration fee, the commissioner shall approve or deny the application in accordance with He-P 2107.04.

N.H. Admin. Code § He-P 2107.01

#1685, eff 12-21-80; 1930, eff 1-26-82; 2638(E), eff 3-2-84; #3000, eff 4-2-85; #3069, eff 7-23-85; ss by #4658, eff 7-31-89, EXPIRED 7-31-95

New. #7979, eff 10-22-03; ss by #9589, eff 11-5-09

Amended by Volume XXXV Number 45, Filed November 12, 2015, Proposed by #10956, Effective 10/22/2015, Expires 10/22/2025.
Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 50, Filed December 13, 2018, Proposed by #12680, Effective 11/27/2018, Expires 11/27/2028.
Amended by Volume XLI Number 45, Filed November 10, 2021, Proposed by #13283, Effective 10/23/2021, Expires 10/23/2031