N.H. Admin. Code § He-P 1908.02

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-P 1908.02 - Interior Signs
(a) Signs for notification relative to smoking restrictions or prohibition, in buildings or facilities which permit smoking in designated areas only, shall be placed inside those buildings, facilities, or other enclosed places as defined in RSA 155:65, VI in the following areas, including, but not limited to:
(1) Offices;
(2) Waiting rooms;
(3) Entrances areas;
(4) Elevators;
(5) Rest rooms;
(6) Cafeterias;
(7) Break rooms;
(8) Meeting rooms;
(9) Hallways;
(10) Stairwells; and
(11) Other common-use areas.
(b) Interior signs shall be of a permanent nature, except as allowed by (f) -(h) below.
(c) Interior signs shall be affixed to a permanent structure such as a wall, door, permanent room divider, or partition, except as allowed by (f) -(h) below.
(d) Where smoking is prohibited, signs shall state that "smoking is prohibited in this room or area of the facility or building", or words to that effect, or the international symbol for no-smoking, as depicted in Figure 1900.1, may be substituted for or used in conjunction with the prohibition statement.
(e) Where smoking is prohibited in every room and area of a given building and He-P 1908.01 is abided by, then interior signs shall not be required.
(f) Where smoking is permitted in an effectively segregated smoking-permitted room or area of a given facility, pursuant to RSA 155:66, II and RSA 155:67, III, V, VI, VII, and X, interior signs may be affixed to interior structures or placed on table tops or surfaces in those rooms or areas, stating that "smoking is permitted in this room or area of the facility", or words to that effect, or the international symbol for smoking-permitted, as depicted in Figure 1900.2, may be substituted for or used in conjunction with the smoking-permitted statement.

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Figure 1900.2 The International Symbol for Smoking-Permitted

(g) Where smoking is permitted, pursuant to RSA 155:67, II and IV, interior signs may be temporarily affixed to interior structures or placed temporarily on table tops or surfaces in those rooms or areas, stating that "smoking is permitted in this room or area of the facility", or words to that effect, or the international symbol for smoking-permitted, as depicted in Figure 1900.2, may be substituted for or used in conjunction with the smoking-permitted statement.
(h) Table top signs may be used in conjunction with other interior signs.
(i) In a facility containing 2 or more rooms or areas comparable in size and which are used for the same activity, the person in charge may place smoking-permitted signs in one entire room or area provided that the other comparable-in-size room or area is posted as a no-smoking area and is effectively segregated from the smoking-permitted area.
(j) Signs demarcating smoking-permitted areas shall not be placed in areas more than proportionate in size to the number of users who show preference for this designation.

N.H. Admin. Code § He-P 1908.02

#5759, eff 12-20-93; ss by #7172, eff 12-21-99, EXPIRED: 12-21-07

New. #9054, eff 12-29-07

Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 23, Filed June 7, 2018, Proposed by #12534, Effective 5/24/2018, Expires 11/20/2018.

The amended version of this section by New Hampshire Register Volume 38, Number 50, eff. 11/20/2018 is not yet available.