N.H. Admin. Code § He-C 702.02

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section He-C 702.02 - Definitions

The words and phrases used in these rules shall mean the following:

(a) "Individual treatment plan (ITP) " means a written proposal that is developed annually as the result of a service planning process and includes the identification of:
(1) The person's goals and objectives;
(2) The person's treatments and services; and
(3) Timelines for achieving the stated goals.
(b) "Person" means an individual who has been committed by a court as a sexually violent predator under RSA 135-E and who is sentenced to a secure facility for the purposes of receiving sexual offender treatment.
(c) "Secure facility" means a total confinement facility that provides supervision and sexual offender treatment of those persons committed as sexually violent predators under RSA 135-E, including the secure psychiatric unit of the New Hampshire state prison and any other facility so designated in accordance with RSA 135-E:22, III.
(d) "Sexually violent predator" means "sexually violent predator" as defined in RSA 135-E:2, XII, namely "any person who:
(a) Has been convicted of a sexually violent offense;
(b) Suffers from a mental abnormality or personality disorder that makes the person likely to engage in acts of sexual violence if not confined in a secure facility for long-term control, care, and treatment; and
(c) Is not eligible for involuntary admission under RSA 135-C or RSA 171-B."
(e) "Total confinement" means "total confinement" as defined in RSA 135-E:2, XIII, namely "that the person is being held in any physically secure facility being operated by, or contractually operated for the department of corrections or the department of health and human services. A person shall also be deemed to be in total confinement for applicability of provisions under this chapter if the person is serving an incarcerative sentence under the custody of the department of corrections or is being held in any other secure facility for any reason. A person is not subject to total confinement if the person is subject to an incarcerative sentence or other custody in a secure facility but has contact with the community, such as through work release, a halfway house, or other supervised or unsupervised release into the community."
(f) "Treatment team" means the individuals who perform the examination, assessment, and diagnosis of, and who deliver the training, rehabilitation therapy, pharmaceuticals, and other services provided to, persons committed under RSA 135-E.

N.H. Admin. Code § He-C 702.02

#8889, INTERIM, eff 6-4-07, EXPIRES: 12-1-07; ss by #8984, eff 9-21-07