Section He-C 6350.10 - Requirements for Written PoliciesResidential treatment programs shall have written policies addressing the following areas, in order to ensure quality and consistent care of children:
(a) Admission criteria and subsequent referral process that identify the children and families the residential treatment program is best designed to serve;(b) Provision of a parent handbook which identifies what family-centered services are promoted and the opportunities families are given to be involved in all aspects of their child's care including, but not limited to: (1) Activities designed to promote permanency and support continued family involvement throughout placement;(2) Services that promote family involvement and partnership in a therapeutic process from intake to discharge, which supports the identified permanency plan;(3) Implementation of the reasonable and prudent parent standard by staff including a description of how the program will identify and support normal age and developmental experiences including social, extracurricular, enrichment, and cultural activities in the community;(4) When possible, activities in the family's home at the family's convenience, and other services to support the identified permanency plan;(5) Parental education, as needed to support the child and family's permanency, safety, and well-being;(6) Communication that includes the family in the program's initial orientation process and ongoing activities; and(7) The program's grievance procedures, which shall ensure that children may constructively address their concerns without fear of retaliation;(c) Provision of a youth handbook which includes, at a minimum: (1) The description of the program in which the child has been admitted;(2) The structure of program, such as the daily routine;(3) The opportunities available to the child, such as recreation or leisure, and communication or contact with family;(4) The rules and expectation of the program; and(5) The program's grievance procedures, which shall ensure that children may constructively address their concerns without fear of retaliation;(d) New staff orientation, to include a review of the program's policies and procedures;(e) The responsibilities of staff in the implementation of treatment plans and the process for how staff will familiarize themselves with the needs of each resident;(f) A staffing plan which describes: (1) Staff-to-child ratios which are consistent with the program's category of certification;(2) The utilization of staff to meet the children's behavioral and clinical needs;(3) The routine for scheduling of staff to provide for the health and safety of children;(4) The process for assigning staff to errands, appointments, unplanned local events, field trips, or recreational activities off-site while maintaining appropriate supervision for children in the program;(5) How staff are accessed for emergency situations; and(6) The level of supervision provided by staff to children throughout the day and night;(g) A prohibited item and contraband policy, including: (1) A list of items that are prohibited or considered contraband;(2) Procedures which shall ensure that no such items are brought to the premises; and(3) Procedures for the disposition of such items if they are discovered on the premises;(h) The daily routine available to children including opportunities for educational, community, recreational, leisure activities, therapeutic services, skill building including independent living preparation, and permanency connections;(i) The personal responsibilities of children, which shall include expectations for: (1) Daily living skills and hygiene;(2) Chores and tasks; and(3) Interpersonal conduct;(j) Provision of necessities to children, including which items are provided by the program and which items are the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide;(k) The identification of children's possessions that are brought to the program or acquired during placement;(l) The protection of the children's personal property which shall ensure that their possessions are protected during times when the child is off premises or is absent without leave, and that possessions accompany the child at the time of discharge;(m) The provision of visitation and other communication between children and their family and friends, both on site and off the premises of the facility;(n) The process for determining and reporting a runaway, including specific procedures for absconders, which shall include the notification of the child's parents, guardian, DCYF, and law enforcement;(o) The safeguarding of, use, and limitations that may be placed on children's money;(p) The recovery of damages to the facility caused by a child, except: (1) The residential treatment program shall not charge the parents for damages; and(2) Restitution paid by a child shall be based upon the child's ability to pay;(q) The residential treatment program's religious affiliation and observances, if any, and any restrictions on admissions resulting therefrom;(r) The procedures a child or a parent follows to file a grievance;(s) The promotion of constructive work experiences that have training and developmental components for appropriate children;(t) The safety and security practices used by the program;(u) The general behavioral and conduct expectations of children including discipline, conduct, and management of children's adverse behaviors, including: (1) The treatment philosophy used as the basis for behavior management techniques supporting the creation of individualized treatment;(2) Child management techniques identified to assist staff in making decisions regarding children's care;(3) Acceptable and unacceptable staff responses to inappropriate behavior;(4) The procedures and requirements for reporting events governed by RSA 126-U;(5) The guidelines for using time out, seclusion, and physical intervention, including restraints, in accordance with RSA 126-U and He-C 4001; and(6) Documentation of inappropriate behaviors of children, which shall include interventions that staff use in response to the children's conduct;(v) Emergency preparedness response for staff and children, consistent with He-C 4001.14(r) (3) ;(w) The procedures and requirements for reporting child abuse or neglect, including: (1) Who is responsible for reporting the suspected abuse or neglect;(2) Filing the report, including the telephone number to call;(3) Staff training and orientation about reporting abuse or neglect, which includes providing staff with copies of the relevant state statutes; and(4) Management of staff who are being investigated for child abuse or neglect;(x) Acquiring and providing emergency services for children that are demonstrating behaviors that are a threat to self or others;(y) Provision of aftercare services upon discharge based upon the residential treatment program's category of certification;(z) The discharge processes for both planned and unplanned discharges; and(aa) Record keeping, including provisions which ensure the confidentiality of the residents and their families.N.H. Admin. Code § He-C 6350.10
#4442, eff 7-1-88, EXPIRED 7-1-94
New. #6617, eff 10-25-97; ss by #8453, INTERIM, eff 10-25-05, EXPIRED: 4-23-06
New. #8693, eff 7-27-06
Amended byVolume XXXV Number 06, Filed February 12, 2015, Proposed by #10759, Effective 1/17/2015, Expires1/17/2025.Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 37, Filed September 13, 2018, Proposed by #12609, Effective 8/23/2018, Expires 8/23/2028.