Section Fam 802.01 - Terms UsedAs used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
(a) "Domestic violence" or "domestic abuse" means a pattern of coercive behavior used by one person to gain and maintain power and control over another in the context of an intimate or familial relationship. "Domestic violence" includes "abuse" as defined in RSA 173-B:1, I;(b) "Family mediation proceedings" means all meetings and communications between a certified family mediator and one or both parties in a case(c) "Meeting separately" means a screening or mediation conducted without the parties being together in the same room. Usually, this is done by the certified family mediator talking alternately to one party and then the other;(d) "Reason to suspect" means disclosure or evidence of specific behaviors in one or more of the following areas: (5) Fear of the other party;(e) "Screening" means evaluating a person or situation for the current or past existence of domestic violence, including control, coercion, intimidation, and violence;(f) "Screening tool" means a series of questions asked and observations made by a certified family mediator of each party to explore whether domestic violence has occurred or is occurring between the parties; and(g) "Starting substantive mediation" means beginning discussion and negotiation of the issues before the court or between the parties, including but not limited to parenting, support, and asset division.N.H. Admin. Code § Fam 802.01