N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wt 526.03

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wt 526.03 - Application Requirements for Dam Projects

The project-specific information required by Env-Wt 310.01(c)(1) or Env-Wt 311.03(b)(11), as applicable, for a C/M/R project shall be as follows:

(a) A description of the status of the existing dam structure, if any, such as whether it currently functions as intended;
(b) Documentation from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the department's dam bureau relative to the need to perform the proposed work on the dam;
(c) Certification that the notice required by RSA 211:11 will be provided if and as required;
(d) A narrative description of the project that explains the reason for the proposed project;
(e) The extent of the existing footprint of impacts to wetlands, surface waters, and banks;
(f) A description of the structure's design or proposed design, or both if different, and the rationale for the design;
(g) A description of the methods that will be used to complete the project, including a construction sequence and methods to control in-stream turbidity during the work;
(h) Plans prepared by a professional engineer showing the design, existing site conditions, and proposed site modifications in an overhead view and a cross-section of the dam for any C/M/R project that will result in:
(1) A new or reconstructed low, significant, or high hazard dam as those terms are defined in Env-Wr 100; or
(2) A significant expansion of an existing low, significant, or high hazard dam as those terms are defined in Env-Wr 100;
(i) Narrative descriptions of:
(1) Direct impacts to the surface water, its adjacent banks, and wetlands from dredging or filling, or both, associated with the C/M/R project, including the work on the dam itself, including whether the impacts are temporary or permanent and why each impact is necessary to complete the project; and
(2) Overall project impacts on:
a. Wetlands, including whether existing wetlands could be drained or flooded;
b. Plants, fish, and wildlife and associated critical habitat or migratory pathways;
c. Public commerce, navigation, and recreation;
d. The availability and quality of surface and ground water, including potential impacts to surface water withdrawals and nearby public and private water supply wells;
e. Abutting property owners, including those abutting the impoundment;
f. Local fire suppression systems, and whether local fire officials have been contacted to learn if dry hydrants or other fire-fighting supplies may be affected by the project; and
g. The health, safety, and welfare of the general public, including how the project will alter the aesthetics of the site for the general public;
(j) If sediment will be removed as part of the project, a sediment report that includes:
(1) An explanation of the known potential for current and historic sources of sediment contamination from upstream sources, including but not limited to wastewater discharges, hazardous waste sites, and existing and former manufacturing facilities and tanneries;
(2) An estimate of the volume of sediment that will be removed or potentially become mobile as a result of the project; and
(3) A description of the physical characteristics of the impounded sediment, including grain size distribution and organic content;
(k) An assessment of whether the C/M/R project might cause or increase erosion or sedimentation, including whether downstream or upstream banks could erode as a result of the C/M/R project and what measures will be taken to stabilize exposed sediments; and
(l) An assessment of whether the C/M/R project will reflect or redirect current or wave energy that might cause damage or hazards.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wt 526.03

Derived from Volume XXXIX Number 28, Filed July 11, 2019, Proposed by #12805, Effective 12/15/2019, Expires 12/15/2029.
Amended by Volume XL Number 2, Filed January 9, 2020, Proposed by #12953, Effective 12/24/2019, Expires 12/24/2029.