N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wt 510.05

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wt 510.05 - Application Requirements for NAV Removal and EAW Control Projects
(a) For projects to remove NAV or to remove or otherwise control EAW that are not exempt under Env-Wt 510.03, the project-specific information required by Env-Wt 310.01(c)(1) or Env-Wt 311.03(b)(11), as applicable, shall be as follows:
(1) A brief summary of the proposed project, including:
a. A concise statement of what the project is intended to accomplish;
b. A list of each task to be undertaken as part of the project and for each, who will do it and how it will be done;
c. The location of the proposed project and the name of each owner of property adjacent to the project;
d. The proposed start date and end date of the project;
e. A description of each target plant species for removal; and
f. An estimate of the total footprint area in square feet (SF) and volume of vegetation in cubic yards (CY) to be removed and non-target species in the vicinity;
(2) For any EAW removal project proposing more than 10,000 SF in surface area, more than 5% of the surface area of a waterbody, or any impact to a PRA, an aquatic vegetation management plan for the impacted area of the lake or pond that:
a. Addresses long-term and cumulative impacts from the proposed project; and
b. Identifies:
1. The functional value of the vegetation to be removed; and
2. Known circumstances that caused the increase in sediments or nutrients to the proposed impact area;
(3) A plan showing the proposed areas for NAV or EAW removal, as applicable, with a listing and annotation showing information on species abundance and coverage including:
a. Description of plant species to be removed and description of the plant community;
b. The extent of areal coverage;
c. The potential impact on native plant communities, if applicable, and the distance of those native plant communities from existing docking facilities;
d. Detailed dimensions showing the existing vegetative cover and the proposed removal area of NAV or EAW removal; and
e. The depth of removal;
(4) A description of the proposed control methods and the justification for the method selected, including:
a. Methods to contain, control, and minimize water quality impacts;
b. Methods to transfer vegetation that is removed without dispersing it;
c. Method(s) and location(s) for dewatering removed vegetation;
d. Methods to minimize impacts to fishery and wildlife habitats based on the time of year the project will occur; and
e. Method of disposal of EAW, consistent with Env-Wq 1303.06 relative to acceptable means of disposal; and
(5) For projects that propose mechanical harvesting of EAW from areas less than 2 meters deep, equivalent to 6.6 feet deep, or for which an aquatic vegetation management plan is required by (2), above, a wetland delineation, wetland assessment, and characterization of emergent aquatic bed wetlands.
(b) The applicant shall provide copies of the plan required by (a)(2) to the local lake association and conservation commission(s).

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wt 510.05

Derived from Volume XXXIX Number 28, Filed July 11, 2019, Proposed by #12805, Effective 12/15/2019, Expires 12/15/2029.
Amended by Volume XL Number 46, Filed November 12, 2020, Proposed by #13124, Effective 10/23/2020, Expires 10/23/2030.