N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-Wq, ch. Env-Wq 800, pt. Env-Wq 811, app C

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Appendix C - Statutory Definitions

RSA 485-A:2 :

IX. "Person" means any municipality, governmental subdivision, public or private corporation, individual, partnership, or other entity.

XI-a. "Sludge" means the solid or semisolid material produced by water and wastewater treatment processes, excluding domestic septage; provided, however, sludge which is disposed of at solid waste facilities permitted by the department shall be considered solid waste and regulated under RSA 149-M.

XIV. "Surface waters of the state" means perennial and seasonal streams, lakes, ponds, and tidal waters within the jurisdiction of the state, including all streams, lakes, or ponds bordering on the state, marshes, water courses, and other bodies of water, natural or artificial.

XVI-a. "Wastewater treatment plant" means the treatment facility or group of treatment devices which treats domestic or combined domestic and industrial wastewater through alteration, alone or in combination, of the physical, chemical, or bacteriological quality of the wastewater and which dewaters and handles sludge removed from the wastewater.

XXII. "Biosolids" means any sludge derived from a sewage wastewater treatment facility that meets the standards for beneficial reuse specified by the department.

XXIII. "Short paper fiber" means any sludge derived from a pulp or paper mill wastewater treatment facility that meets the standards for beneficial reuse specified by the department.

RSA 483:4 :

VIII. "Designated river" means that portion of a river which has been specifically designated by the general court pursuant to RSA 483:15.

XVIII. "River corridor" means the river and the land area located within a distance of 1,320 feet of the normal high water mark or to the landward extent of the 100 year floodplain as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, whichever distance is larger.

N.H. Admin. Code Env, Env-Wq, ch. Env-Wq 800, pt. Env-Wq 811, app C