Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 716.15 - Additional Required Features of Sludge Handling Processes(a) All essential components of the solids handling processes shall be designed to provide duplicate units, redundancy, or backup capabilities so that malfunction of any one component will not result in interruption of the entire sludge handling process. Where duplicate units are not provided, a contingency plan shall be submitted with the basis of design.(b) Piping systems for solids handling shall provide, for all reaches of the sludge piping: (1) High pressure flushing capability; and(2) Sufficient valving to allow for isolation of all unit processes.(c) Clearance adequate to allow physical access by WWTP staff shall be provided in and around solids handling equipment to allow for:(4) Removal and repair of key components; and(d) Completely enclosed process units shall be provided with inspection ports and 2 points of physical access through portals or hatches.(e) Control systems appropriate to the specific solids handling process shall be provided to allow for manual and automatic operation of the systems.(f) Instrumentation and control devices shall be provided to:(1) Detect and convey alarm conditions such as high liquid storage levels, equipment misalignment or jamming, equipment failure, overheating, or over-torqueing; and(2) Shut down solids handling processes for conditions that could cause damage to the system or injury to the operator(s) or result in spills or overflows of liquids or solids from the handling process.(g) An operation and maintenance manual shall be provided for the solids handling process that describes procedures for:(2) Adjustment and calibration;(4) Maintenance and repair; and(5) Controls for normal, bypass and emergency conditions.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 716.15
Adopted byVolume XXXIV Number 46, Filed November 13, 2014, Proposed by #10693, Effective 10/15/2014, Expires10/15/2024.