N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 703.04

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 703.04 - Design Drawings for Sewerage

Design drawings for proposed sewerage shall, in addition to meeting the applicable requirements of Env-Wq 703.01 through Env-Wq 703.03, include the following:

(a) Contour lines at 2-foot intervals and elevation of existing and proposed project area;
(b) The locations of all streams and other surface waters within the proposed project area, including their direction of flow and water surface elevations at the time of survey;
(c) 100-year flood elevations, if available;
(d) The boundary lines of the municipality, sewer district, or other area to be sewered;
(e) The location, size, and direction of flow of all existing and proposed sewers;
(f) Insets and detail sections with the scale shown directly beneath their subtitles;
(g) Plan and profile views in which the plan view is placed at the top;
(h) Plans clearly showing the location of:
(1) All existing structures affecting the project;
(2) Existing and proposed sewer outlets or overflows; and
(3) All other utilities in the vicinity of the proposed sewerage;
(i) The locations of existing, proposed, and future sewerage as differentiated by appropriate symbols or designations;
(j) All topographical symbols and conventions as employed by the USGS;
(k) The horizontal distance or stationing between manholes, grades in feet per foot, and sewer sizes, types, and class;
(l) All sewer appurtenances depicted by symbols and referenced by a legend, with detail drawings of all sewer appurtenances accompanying the detail sewerage plans;
(m) Profiles indicating:
(1) All manholes with manhole identification numbers;
(2) Existing and proposed water main crossings with elevations;
(3) Siphons;
(4) Sewage pumping stations; and
(5) In the case of stream crossings, the elevations of stream beds, flow lines, and the type of pipe;
(n) The sizes and gradients of sewers, surface elevations, first floor house elevations, and sewer inverts shown at or between each manhole;
(o) Profiles including borings and groundwater level and, except for special details, drawn to standard scales, indicated on each sheet;
(p) Finish grade elevations;
(q) Elevations of manhole inverts shown to the nearest 0.01 foot;
(r) All elevations referenced to a standard datum that is indicated on the plans; and
(s) As specified by the engineer, any special precautions or methods of construction necessary to prevent surface water pollution.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 703.04

(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Wq 700) #8590, eff 3-25-06

Amended byVolume XXXIV Number 46, Filed November 13, 2014, Proposed by #10693, Effective 10/15/2014, Expires10/15/2024.