Section Env-Wq 403.27 - Wetlands Monitoring(a) Any wetlands monitoring required pursuant to Env-Wq 403.26(c) shall be conducted in accordance with (b) through (e), below.(b) An initial survey shall be conducted by an individual who by education and experience is able to qualitatively and quantitatively assess wetland ecosystems and who is a certified wetland scientist pursuant to RSA 310-A:75-96.(c) The initial survey of wetlands shall be performed during the growing season and include the following: (1) An inventory and map of wetland flora species;(2) An inventory and map of soil types;(3) A general description of the stratigraphy of geologic deposits;(4) A general description of soil moisture, its source, and mechanisms of change;(5) A general description of indicators of wetland hydrology, including but not limited to drainage patterns, watermarks, and visual observation of saturated soils or inundation; and(6) A general description of the function of the wetland as part of the natural ecosystem, including: a. Removal of sediment from runoff;b. Improvement or stabilization of water quality;c. Reduction in peak flow; andd. Maintenance of wildlife habitat.(d) Monitoring of the characteristics of the wetlands identified in the initial survey shall be performed during the growing season.(e) When wetlands monitoring includes water level monitoring, the monitoring point locations and reference point elevations shall be established in accordance with Env-Wq 403.30.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 403.27
(See Revision Note at part heading for Env-Wq 403) #9569, eff 10-17-09
Amended by Volume XXXVIII Number 15, Filed April 12, 2018, Proposed by #12493, Effective 3/21/2018, Expires 3/21/2028.