Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 1611.10 - I/A Facility Standards(a) An I/A facility for the treatment or processing of septage shall be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable requirements of TR-16, "Guides for the Design of Wastewater Treatment Works" by the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, 2011, available as noted in Appendix B.(b) An I/A septage composting facility shall be designed, constructed, operated, and closed in accordance with the requirements of Env-Sw 600 relative to composting facilities.(c) The facility shall operate in such a manner so as to minimize the impact on abutters and the surrounding community from odors, vehicle traffic, and dust.(d) An I/A facility shall: (1) Be posted with signs which: a. Contain the name and telephone number of the operator;b. Contain the name and address of the owner or lessee of the property;c. Shall be posted at gates, bars, and commonly used entrances; andd. State: "Septage Treatment Facility" printed with block letters not less than 2 inches in height.(2) Restrict access by the installation of a locked gate or cable;(3) Be operated such that odors from the site or facility are minimized;(4) Be maintained in a clean and orderly fashion to minimize attraction of vectors; and(5) Be closed in accordance with Env-Wq 1611.11.(e) Subject to (f) and (g), below, no person shall situate or operate an I/A site or facility within the setback distances specified in Table 1611-1: Table 1611-1: I/A Facility Setback Distances (in feet)
Water Supplies: |
Nearest Well | 500a |
Surface Drinking Water Source | 500a |
Surface Water: |
Designated river under RSA 483 | 250e |
Other surface water | 125 |
Non-Tidal Drainage Ditch | 100 |
Nearest Residential Off-site Dwelling | 300b |
Property Line | 100c |
Groundwater Depth | 2d |
Bedrock / Restrictive Layer | 4 |
(f) The following notes shall apply to Table 1611-1: (1) The letter "a" shall indicate that the distance to the nearest water supply may be reduced based on a hydrological evaluation performed by a professional geologist or professional engineer that demonstrates that a lesser distance will not result in any degradation to drinking water at the well or surface water source;(2) The letter "b" shall indicate that the distance to the nearest residential off-site dwelling shall be as far as practical beyond 300 feet, but may be reduced below 300 feet with the owner's prior written consent;(3) The letter "c" shall indicate that the distance to the nearest property line shall be as far as practical beyond 100 feet, but may be reduced below 100 feet with the owner's prior written consent;(4) The letter "d" shall indicate that the distance to the seasonal high water table shall be at least 2 feet; and(5) The letter "e" shall indicate that all septage land applied within 1/4 mile of a designated river shall be immediately incorporated into the soil or injected in accordance with RSA 483:9.(g) No person shall store, hold, or stockpile septage at an I/A facility within the setback areas specified in Table 1609-2, subject to Env-Wq 1609.09(i) through (n).N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1611.10
#8458, eff 10-27-05 (see Revision Note at chapter heading); ss by #10466, eff 11-26-13