N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1609.10

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 1609.10 - Closure Plan
(a) The applicant for a septage facility permit shall submit a closure plan to the department for approval as specified in Env-Wq 1609.01(c)(9).
(b) The closure plan shall include the following:
(1) The facility identification, including name, mailing address, location and permit number, if applicable;
(2) For facilities other than land disposal facilities, a description of the proposed procedures for removing all septage material from the facility and the intended final disposition of the materials;
(3) A description of any proposed site work that will be performed to regrade and revegetate the area;
(4) The schedule of closure activities and anticipated closure date;
(5) A description of all post-closure monitoring and maintenance needed to ensure compliance with applicable requirements, including groundwater quality standards, including who will be responsible for performing the monitoring and maintenance; and
(6) A description of how notification will be given to all users of the facility of the termination of receipt of septage by the facility.
(c) At least 60 days prior to the planned cessation of facility operations, the permit holder shall provide the department and the municipality in which the facility is located, with written notice of the intent to close the facility.
(d) The notice shall include the following:
(1) The facility identification, including name, mailing address, location and permit number;
(2) The date the facility intends to stop receiving or processing septage;
(3) A copy of the facility's approved closure plan or file reference thereto; and
(4) The date the facility intends to begin closure activities and estimated closure completion date.
(e) The permit holder shall notify the department and the municipality in which the facility is located, when closure is complete.
(f) The department shall approve a closure plan if, under the plan:
(1) All wastes not permitted to remain at the facility following closure and all surface debris and litter will be removed from the facility to an authorized facility;
(2) Septage management equipment will be removed or decommissioned, except for equipment needed to meet the post-closure monitoring and maintenance obligations, if any, identified pursuant to (b)(5), above;
(3) Subject to (4), below, if the facility is not a land disposal facility, the facility site will be cleaned to its original condition of cleanliness;
(4) If it is impracticable to return the facility site to its original condition of cleanliness, whether because the character of the surrounding land use has changed, the original condition was in violation of state or federal environmental or public health requirements, or for any other reason, the permittee will clean the facility site so as to render it suitable for an alternate use consistent with local land use and zoning regulations or plans; and
(5) Post-closure monitoring and maintenance will be undertaken as required to assure the facility is closed in a manner to not adversely affect the environment, public health or safety, as identified pursuant to (b)(5), above.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1609.10

#8458, eff 10-27-05 (see Revision Note at chapter heading); ss by #10466, eff 11-26-13