N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1608.10

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 1608.10 - Required Setback Distances For Land Application
(a) No person shall land apply septage within the setback areas specified in Table 1608-1, subject to (b) below:

Table 1608-1: Setback Distances For Land Application (in feet)

Surface Water:
Designated river under RSA 483 250e
Other surface water 125a
Non-Tidal Drainage Ditch 33
Downgradient Water Supplies:
Community Wells 400b
Other Wells 300
Surface Drinking Water Source 500
Property Lines 50c
Public Roads other than federal interstate highways 25
Federal Interstate Highways 10
Nearest Residential Off-site Dwelling 100c
Groundwater Depth for Land Application 2d
Bedrock / Restrictive Layer 2

(b) The following notes shall apply to Table 1608-1:
(1) The letter "a" shall indicate that the distance to surface waters may be reduced to 75 feet if the material is incorporated within 48 hours and the slope is less than 8 percent;
(2) The letter "b" shall indicate those community public water supply wells which withdraw greater than 57,600 gallons over a 24-hour period;
(3) The letter "c" shall indicate that the distance to property lines and to residential off-site dwellings may be reduced through written agreement with affected party(ies);
(4) The letter "d" shall indicate the depth to groundwater at time of application; and
(5) The letter "e" shall indicate that all septage land applied within 1/4-mile of a designated river shall be immediately incorporated into the soil or injected in accordance with RSA 483:9.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1608.10

#6991, eff 5-5-99; ss by #8458, eff 10-27-05 (see Revision Note at chapter heading); ss by #10466, eff 11-26-13