Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 1014.02 - Poorly Drained Soils Poorly drained soils shall be identified as hydric soils that have aquic conditions in the upper part and one or more of the following for any soil texture:
(a) Within 10 inches of the top of the mineral soil material and directly under an A or Ap horizon, a horizon with a depleted or gleyed matrix;(b) Within 20 inches of the top of the mineral soil material and directly underlying a thick or very thick dark A or Ap horizon, a horizon with a depleted or gleyed matrix which is 4 inches or more in thickness;(c) A matrix chroma of 2 or less that extends to a depth of 20 inches below the top of the mineral soil material, with a dark A or Ap horizon that is directly underlain by a horizon with a matrix value of less than 4, and, within 12 inches of the top of the mineral soil material or directly underlying the A or Ap horizon, whichever is shallower, 2% or more redoximorphic features that extend to the shallower of: (1) A depth of 20 inches below the top of the mineral soil material; or(2) A depleted or gleyed matrix;(d) A spodic horizon and, within 6 inches of the top of the mineral soil material, an E horizon with 2% or more redoximorphic features or a stripped matrix that is directly underlain by a spodic horizon with either of the following: (1) A Bh, Bhs, or Bs horizon with 2% or more redoximorphic features in the upper part; or(2) A Bh or Bhs horizon, that is directly underlain by a horizon with 2% or more redoximorphic features;(e) A spodic horizon and a Bh or Bhs horizon greater than 2 inches thick which is: (1) Within 10 inches of the top of the mineral soil material;(2) Directly underlying a dark A or Ap horizon or shallow E horizon; and(3) Directly underlain by a horizon with 2% or more redoximorphic features that is within 20 inches of the top of the mineral soil material;(f) A spodic horizon and, within 10 inches of the top of the mineral soil material and directly underlying a dark A or Ap horizon, one of the following: (1) An E horizon with 2% or more redoximorphic features or a stripped matrix directly underlain by a Bh, Bhs, or Bs horizon with 2% or more redoximorphic features;(2) A Bh or Bhs horizon directly underlain, but within 20 inches of the top of the mineral soil material, by 2% or more redoximorphic features; or(3) A Bs horizon with 2 % or more redoximorphic features;(g) If sandy and no spodic horizon, either of the following:(1) Within 10 inches of the top of the mineral soil material and directly underlying a dark A or Ap horizon, a horizon with matrix color chroma 3 or less, value 4 or more with 2 % or more redoximorphic features; or(2) Within 15 inches of the top of the mineral soil material and directly underlying a greater than 10 inches, less than 15 inches, very dark A or Ap horizon, a horizon with matrix color chroma 3 or less, value 4 or more with 2% redoximorphic features;(h) No spodic horizon, and within 10 inches of the top of the mineral soil material and directly underlying a dark A or Ap horizon, a horizon with 5 % or more redox depletions and within 20 inches of the top of the mineral soil material a horizon with a depleted or gleyed matrix;(i) No spodic horizon, and within 15 inches of the mineral soil material and directly underlying a greater than 10 inch, less than 15 inch, very dark Ap horizon, a horizon with 5% or more redox depletions and within 20 inches of the top of the mineral soil material a horizon with a depleted or gleyed matrix;(j) A very dark A or Ap horizon less than 10 inches thick and directly underlain by a horizon with matrix color due to wetness of chroma 3 or less with 10% or more redoximorphic features, and: (1) Within 6 inches of the top of the mineral soil surface, 2 % or more redoximorphic features, and(2) Within 18 inches of the top of the mineral soil material, 2% or more redoximorphic depletions.N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1014.02
(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Wq 1000) #9086, eff 2-9-08
Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 41, Filed October 13, 2016, Proposed by #11184, Effective 10/1/2016, Expires 10/1/2026.