N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1004.08

Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 1004.08 - Alteration of ISDS After Construction Approval; When New Plans Required
(a) The plan for an ISDS for which the department has issued a construction approval shall be the final plan unless amended plans are submitted pursuant to this section.
(b) The department shall not approve an ISDS for operation if the ISDS as installed does not match the approved plan, unless:
(1) Amended plans, approved and stamped by the permitted designer who prepared the original approved plan, are available prior to final inspection; and
(2) The changes are limited to one or more of the following:
a.One or more components of the ISDS have been moved but the footprint, configuration, and elevation of the bed are as shown on the approved plan;
b.The installer substituted a different brand of component for the brand of that component specified in the approved plan, except that no amended plans shall be required if the approved plans call for a specified brand "or equivalent";
c.A ledge tank has been substituted for a standard tank in accordance with Env-Wq 1010.13;
d.An ISDS approved as a pump system has been converted to a gravity-feed system;
e.The well is not installed in the location shown on the approved plan but the actual location of the well does not affect the lot loading calculation; or
f.A septic tank is added or a single-compartment tank is replaced with a multi-compartment tank due to the installation of plumbing fixtures in a below-grade level of the structure, and the amended plans show compliance with Env-Wq 1010.01(i).
(c) If the elevation of the bed bottom has changed or a waiver to very poorly drained soils or surface water is needed, the applicant shall submit a new ISDS application prior to requesting a field inspection.
(d) If an amended plan is needed prior to approval for operation being granted but the permitted designer who prepared the original approved plan is not available to prepare the amended plan for a reason that is not known to be temporary, such as death, relocation, or loss of his or her designer permit, the applicant shall either:
(1) Submit an amended plan prepared by a different permitted designer who takes responsibility for the plan in its entirety, together with written correspondence bearing the stamp and signature of the designer responsible for the amendment stating the reason(s) why the original permitted designer is not available; or
(2) Surrender the approval that was based on the original plan and submit a new ISDS application prepared by a different permitted designer.
(e) If an amended plan is needed after approval to operate has been issued but the permitted designer who prepared the original approved plan is not available to prepare the amended plan for a reason that is not known to be temporary, such as death, relocation, or loss of his or her designer permit, the applicant shall either:
(1) Submit an amended plan prepared by a different permitted designer who takes responsibility for only the portion of the plan being amended, together with written correspondence bearing the stamp and signature of the designer responsible for the amendment stating the reason(s) why the original permitted designer is not available; or
(2) Surrender the approval that was based on the original plan and submit a new ISDS application prepared by a different permitted designer.
(f) If the criteria specified in (b)(2), above, are not met but the elevation of the bed bottom has not changed and no waiver to very poorly drained soils or surface water is needed, the applicant shall submit an amended plan and waiver request, if applicable.
(g) If a new application or amended plans are submitted, the plans shall include ties to the component of the ISDS that has been relocated.

N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1004.08

(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Wq 1000) #9086, eff 2-9-08; ss by #9904-A,e ff 4-16-11

Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 41, Filed October 13, 2016, Proposed by #11184, Effective 10/1/2016, Expires 10/1/2026.
Amended by Volume XXXIX Number 06, Filed February 7, 2019, Proposed by #12716, Effective 1/24/2019, Expires 1/24/2029.