Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Env-Wq 1003.13 - Plans Required for ISDS Applications The plan sheets required by Env-Wq 1003.12(n) shall show the following:
(a) A description of the lot on which the new or replacement ISDS is proposed to be installed, including:(1) The size of the lot, with the lot's dimensions or a map to scale of the lot's boundaries;(2) The location of all existing and proposed buildings within 100 feet of any component of the ISDS;(3) The location of each known burial site or cemetery on the lot that is within 100 feet of any component of the ISDS, which demonstrates compliance with the set-back required by RSA 289:3, III, or a statement that there is no known burial site or cemetery on the lot within 100 feet of any component of the ISDS;(4) The location of each well that already exists on the lot, if any, with a statement of whether the well is planned to be used or decommissioned;(5) As required by RSA 485-A:30-b, the actual or proposed location of each well to be installed on the lot and the protective radius associated with the well, or a designated area within which the well can be installed without the protective well radius extending beyond the property line and without violating any other set-back or lot loading requirements, located such that well construction equipment can reasonably reach the location; and(6) The distance from each of the structures and wells identified pursuant to (2)-(5), above, to each component of the ISDS;(b) If the proposed ISDS or well is closer than 75 feet to a boundary, the location of: (1) Each known burial site or cemetery on the adjoining lot that is within 100 feet of any component of the ISDS, which demonstrates compliance with the set-back required by RSA 289:3, III, or a statement that there is no known burial site or cemetery on the adjoining lot within 100 feet of any component of the ISDS; and(2) Any known structure, well, or ISDS component within the well radius;(c) The location of the property in sufficient detail so that an inspector is able to locate the site, including the property's location shown on a USGS quadrangle map or other similar location plan and narrative directions for getting to the property by car which include telephone pole numbers and mileage from intersections or other readily-identifiable landmarks;(d) The distance and location of the nearest wetlands identified in accordance with Env-Wq 1014.06 and surface water in relation to the proposed ISDS or, if the nearest wetland or surface water is greater than 75 feet away, a statement to that effect;(e) A note on the plan certifying that the wetlands have been delineated in accordance with Env-Wq 1014.06 and identifying who performed the delineation and the date on which it was done;(f) The wetland delineation performed for the purpose of locating the EDA on the property;(g) The source of drinking water and the location of all proposed and existing drinking water supply pipes;(h) Unless the application is only to connect to an existing state-approved EDA as specified in Env-Wq 1004.08, soil data including percolation test data, test pit log, hydric soil data including hydric soil criterion and location of hydric soils and corroborated USDA-NRCS soil survey data, in accordance with Env-Wq 1014.06;(i) Ground surface elevations for the lot on the 1:20 scale plan showing the slope of the land at 2-foot contour intervals, to at least 75 feet from the existing or proposed structure and ISDS, including, as appropriate: (1) Spot elevations to verify level lots; and(2) For non-level lots, original and proposed contours, referenced to a bench-mark located near the proposed ISDS;(j) Subject to (o), below, details of the proposed septic tank or treatment tank, as applicable, including:(1) Liquid capacity, in gallons;(2) Material of construction, such as concrete, fiberglass, or plastic;(3) Placement of baffles;(4) Tank location on the property and depth to the top of the tank from finished grade; and(5) A statement that access to the interior of the tank shall conform to Env-Wq 1010.05;(k) A scale plan of the proposed ISDS with construction details and dimensions on the 1:20 scale drawings, including all connections to the proposed EDA if multiple connections to a single EDA are being proposed;(l) If any part of the proposed ISDS is located on property other than the ISDS owner's property, or if other easements or well releases are required, copies of the recorded easement(s) or well release(s);(m) At least one benchmark and at least one tie point to landmarks or established reference points within 100 feet;(n) Sill elevations, invert elevations at building exit, invert elevations at the inlet and outlet from the septic tank, invert elevations at the inlet and outlet from the distribution box, invert elevations of effluent conduits, and the bottom elevation of the bed, referenced to a benchmark;(o) If a pump is proposed, the following information: (1) The make, type, capacity, and model of the sewage pump;(2) Details of the pump well, including pump well manufacturer, type, and size;(3) The make, type, and model of the pump controls, including elevations of control switches; and(4) Details of the discharge line, including pressure line data and siphons, and siphon chambers, when used;(p) Details of the distribution box, if applicable, including the number of outlets and the name of the manufacturer;(q) A cross-section of the proposed ISDS showing the lay-out of the system;(r) Details of the proposed EDA, including: (1) The type and size of stone or sand, as applicable; and(2) The type and size of effluent conduit, if used, or the dimensions and construction details of the dry well;(s) A statement that the effluent conduits and the bottom of the bed are level, as required by Env-Wq 1017.05(h);(t) A statement that the effluent conduits shall be installed in accordance with Env-Wq 1017.01;(u) A designation on the plan of all areas of exposed ledge or boulders greater than 6 feet in diameter within 75 feet of the proposed EDA;(v) A statement signed by the applicant certifying that the plan conforms to: (1) The requirements of 44 CFR 60.3(a)(6)(ii), if within a special flood hazard area; and(2) All applicable local septic system ordinances and regulations;(w) The location of any part of the lot that lies within a special flood hazard area;(x) The location of any part of the lot that is subject to deeded rights of flowage;(y) If the application is being submitted for a replacement ISDS, whether pursuant to RSA 485-A:33, IV or otherwise, the following additional information: (1) The opinion of the permitted designer as to why the existing ISDS needs to be repaired or replaced or, if the application is submitted directly by a homeowner for the homeowner's own domicile, the opinion of the homeowner;(2) The type of water supply serving the structure(s) that the existing ISDS serves;(3) The number of structures served by the existing ISDS and the number of bedrooms in each, as confirmed by town records;(4) The type of appliances and fixtures by which wastewater is generated, including but not limited to dishwashers, washing machines, jacuzzis, hot tubs, toilets, showers, water treatment systems, and garbage grinders;(5) The best available information concerning the existing ISDS, including its approximate age, size, and materials of construction; and(6) The size and type of septic tank, and if the septic tank is being replaced, the size and type of the new septic tank;(z) If the lot is within the protected shoreland, the following additional information: (2) The primary building line;(3) The distance and location of nearest protected waterbody in relation to the ISDS unless the nearest protected waterbody is greater than 125 feet away; and(4) A designation on the plan of the limits of the natural woodland buffer; and(aa) The design intent, stated clearly on the plan using the statement in (1), below, together with the statement in (2)a., b., or c., below, as applicable, with the distance inserted if (2)b. or c. is used: (1) "The bottom of the bed shall be constructed at ____ elevation"; and(2) "The elevation of the high contour of the designed bed is:a. at existing ground level";b. approximately ____ ft. above existing ground level"; orc. approximately ____ ft. below existing ground level".N.H. Admin. Code § Env-Wq 1003.13
(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Env-Wq 1000) #9086, eff 2-9-08; ss by #9904-A, eff 4-16-11
Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 41, Filed October 13, 2016, Proposed by #11184, Effective 10/1/2016, Expires 10/1/2026.